1 Kings 3:13 Commentaries: "I have also given you what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that there will not be any among the kings like you all your days.
And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.
1 Kings 3:13-14. I have given thee that which thou hast not asked — Or rather, I will give thee, as it is expressed in the parallel place, 2 Chronicles 1:12; I will as certainly give them as if I had already actually done it. For future things, which God is engaged to bring to pass, or foresees will take place, are often expressed in Scripture in the past time. So that there shall not be any among the kings — The succeeding kings of Israel, of whom he speaks. Or, hath not been, as it is in the Hebrew: and so it may be true of all the kings that then were or had been in the world, whereof none were like him in the things here mentioned, namely, riches and honour, or renown, as well as wisdom. All thy days — Whereby he signifies that these gifts of God were not transient, as they were in Saul, but such as should abide with him while he lived. And if thou wilt walk in my ways — This caution God gives him lest his great wisdom should make him proud, or careless, or presumptuous, as if he were out of all danger; and to oblige him to more care and circumspection, to avoid the snares and mischiefs to which so much prosperity and glory would probably expose him; and withal to justify himself, in case he should afterward alter the course of his providence toward Solomon.
3:5-15 Solomon's dream was not a common one. While his bodily powers were locked up in sleep, the powers of his soul were strengthened; he was enabled to receive the Divine vision, and to make a suitable choice. God, in like manner, puts us in the ready way to be happy, by assuring us we shall have what we need, and pray for. Solomon's making such a choice when asleep, and the powers of reason least active, showed it came from the grace of God. Having a humble sense of his own wants and weakness, he pleads, Lord, I am but a little child. The more wise and considerate men are, the better acquainted they are with their own weakness, and the more jealous of themselves. Solomon begs of God to give him wisdom. We must pray for it, Jas 1:5, that it may help us in our particular calling, and the various occasions we have. Those are accepted of God, who prefer spiritual blessings to earthly good. It was a prevailing prayer, and prevailed for more than he asked. God gave him wisdom, such as no other prince was ever blessed with; and also gave him riches and honour. If we make sure of wisdom and grace, these will bring outward prosperity with them, or sweeten the want of it. The way to get spiritual blessings, is to wrestle with God in prayer for them. The way to get earthly blessings, is to refer ourselves to God concerning them. Solomon has wisdom given him, because he did ask it, and wealth, because he did not.
A striking illustration of that law of the divine government to which Christ referred (marginal reference).
10. the speech pleased the Lord—It was Solomon's waking prayers that God heard and requited, but the acceptance was signified in this vision.
I have also given; either, first, I have granted and decreed to give; for words signifying action are oft put only for the purpose of the action. Or rather, secondly, I will give, as it is expressed in the parallel place, 2 Chronicles 1:12; I will as certainly give them, as if I had actually done it; for future certain things are oft expressed in Scripture in the past time, as is well known to all. There shall not be; so it is true of all the succeeding kings of Israel, of whom he speaks. Or, hath not been, as it is in the Hebrew; and so it may be true of all the kings that then were or had been in the world, whereof none was like to him, to wit, in all the things here mentioned, and wherein he is compared with them, which is not only in riches, but also in wisdom, and in honour or renown. All thy days, to wit of thy life; whereby he signifies, that these gifts of God were not temporary and transient, as they were in Saul, but such as should abide with him whilst he lived.
And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked,.... That is, intended to give him, and now promised it, and was about to bestow it on him:
both riches and honour; the former through the presents and tribute of the nations about him, and his trading to foreign parts; and the latter chiefly through his wisdom, the fame of which was spread everywhere:
so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days; that is, none like him for riches and honour among all the kings of the neighbouring nations so long as he lived; though there might be kings in later times as rich, or richer than he, as Croesus, Alexander, &c. but then not so honourable as he; so, putting both together, there were no kings like him before or after, and especially if wisdom be added to them, as in 2 Chronicles 1:12.
And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honor: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.
13. so that there shall not be] The Hebrew is precisely the same as in the previous verse. Render therefore ‘so that there hath not been.’ The translation of the A.V. is no doubt due to the words with which the verse closes ‘all thy days.’ But these words may be very well understood, if we suppose them to refer to the duration of Solomon’s prosperity. ‘There hath been none so prosperous as thou shalt be for all thy days.’ The LXX. renders ‘there hath not been a man like thee among kings,’ and omits ‘all thy days.’
Verse 13. - And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches and honour [Heb. glory]; so that there shall not be any among the kings lure unto thee all thy days. 1 Kings 3:13
In addition to this, according to the promise that to him who seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness all other things shall be added (Matthew 6:33), God will also give him the earthly blessings, for which he has not asked, and that in great abundance, viz., riches and honour such as no king of the earth has had before him; and if he adhere faithfully to God's commandments, long life also (והארכתּי, in this case I have lengthened). This last promise was not fulfilled, because Solomon did not observe the condition (cf. 1 Kings 11:42).
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