Joshua 19 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

1And the second lot came out to the tribe of the children Shemon for their families, and their inheritance was within the inheritance of the children of Yehuda 2And in their inheritance they had Beersheba and Sheba and Maulada 3And Darath Taaley and Bella and Atsim 4And Eluthlad and Bayth Eil and Kherma 5And Atsnaqlag and Bayth Markbuth and Khatsar Susa 6And Bayth Lebuth and Sherwaynan fourteen cities and their fields 7And Eyn and Ramin and Gathar and Ashan four cities and their fields 8And all the fields that were around these cities unto Labath Bayth Ramtha that in the south this is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Shemon for their families 9From the portion of the children of Yehuda was the inheritance of the children of Shemon because the division of the children of Yehuda was abundant, which the children of Shemon inherited from their inheritance

10And the third lot came up to the children of Zebulun for their families, and the border of their inheritance was unto Ashdod 11And their border went up to the west and to Ramath Talay, and it met in Debshath and it reached into the valley that is before Neqamam 12And it turned from Ashdod from the dawning of the sun on the border of Kesluth and of Bethur and it went out to Rabbath and it went up to Naphia 13And from there it passed first from the east to Geth and to Khaphar and to Atha and to Qetsyar, and it went out to Ramun and to Methwa and to Awa 14And the border went around from the north of Khadithun and its limits were at the valley of Kaphtanayel 15And to Qatath and to Yahlil and to Shamrin and to Arala and to Bayth Lekhem twelve cities and their fields 16This is the inheritance of the children of Zebulun for their families

17And the fourth lot of the children of Issakar went out for their families 18And their border was Yizrael and Kesluth and Shuim 19And Khaphiram and Shenan and Akhthar 20And Deblath and Qishun and Aphats 21And Ramath Eyn and Eshyan and Eyn Khada and Bayth Petsyan 22And the border met at Tabur and at Shakhtsima and at Bayth Shemesh, and the extent of their border was to the Jordan thirteen cities and their fields 23This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Issakar for their families, the cities and their fields

24And the fifth lot of the tribe of the children of Ashir came out for their families 25And their border was Khaqlath and Kheli and Bahten and Akshaph 26And Amlek and Amkar and Mashayel, and it met in Karmela from the west and Shikhur and Labith 27And it turned from the dawning of the sun to Bayth Dagun and met in Zebulun and in the River of Nephtakhayel from the north, and Dabith and Oumqa and Danayel, and it went out to Kubel from the north 28And to Ebrun and to Rakhab and to Khemun and to Qaa, as far as Tsidon the Great 29And the border turned to Ramtha and unto the fortress city Tsur, and the border turned to Khas and its limits were to the west from the Torrent of Akzeeb 30And Oumqa and Aphaq and Rakhuub twenty two cities and their fields 31This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Ashir for their families and these cities and their fields

32And the sixth lot of the children of Naphtali went out for their families 33And their border was from Khelpa and from Alun and from Tsanam and Damah and Naqab and Nabayel unto Laqum, and their limit was to the Jordan 34And the border turned to the west to Aznuthbaqbuz, and it went out from there to Khaqiq and it met in Zebulun from the south and it met in Ashir from the west and into Yehuda unto the Jordan from the dawning of the sun 35And in the great cities in Tsur and in Tsidon and Bakhmath and Qerath and Kenarath 36And Adamah and Damah and Khatsur 37And Qadesh and Ardi and Eyn Tsur 38And Diune and Magdaliel and Kharum and Bayth Nath and Bayth Shemesh nineteen cities and their fields

40And the seventh lot of the children of Dan went out for their families 41And the border of their inheritance was Tsada and Eshethwayel and Qerith d’Shemesh 42And Shelabin and Aylun and Nethla 43And Aluun and Tamna and Aqruun 44And Elqath and Gebthuun and Balath 45And Yehudith and Beldbaak and Gethremun 46And Makharqun and Karqun unto the border that is next to Ailath 47And the border of the children of Dan went out from them. The children of Dan came up and they made war with the men of Einu and they defeated it and they destroyed it by the mouth of the sword and they possessed it, and they dwelt in it and they called it Einu Dan for the name of Dan their father 48This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan for their families, these cities and the towns and their fields

49And they finished possessing the land at its borders, and the children of Israel gave an inheritance to Yeshua, son of Nun, among them 50Because of the word of the mouth of LORD JEHOVAH, they gave to him the city that he had requested, Tamnathsrakh that is on the Mountain of Aphreim, and he built the city and dwelt in it

51These are the inheritances that Eliazer the Priest and Yeshua son of Nun and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of Israel inherited by lots in Shiloh before LORD JEHOVAH in the door of the Time Tabernacle, and they finished the dividing of the land