2 Samuel 9:11 Interlinear: And Ziba saith unto the king, 'According to all that my lord the king commandeth his servant, so doth thy servant;' as to Mephibosheth, 'he is eating at my table (saith the king) as one of the sons of the king.'
Parallel Strong's
Holman Christian Standard Bible
Ziba said to the king, “ Your servant will do all my lord the king commands.” So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table just like one of the king’s sons. New American Standard Bible
Then Ziba said to the king, "According to all that my lord the king commands his servant so your servant will do." So Mephibosheth ate at David's table as one of the king's sons. King James Bible
Then said Ziba unto the king, According to all that my lord the king hath commanded his servant, so shall thy servant do. As for Mephibosheth, [said the king], he shall eat at my table, as one of the king's sons.
Parallel Verses
International Standard Version
Later, Ziba told the king, "Your servant will do everything that your majesty the king commands him." So Mephibosheth ate at David's table like one of the king's sons. American Standard Version
Then said Ziba unto the king, According to all that my lord the king commandeth his servant, so shall thy servant do. As for Mephibosheth,'said the king , he shall eat at my table, as one of the king's sons.Young's Literal Translation
And Ziba saith unto the king, 'According to all that my lord the king commandeth his servant, so doth thy servant;' as to Mephibosheth, 'he is eating at my table (saith the king) as one of the sons of the king.'
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