Joshua 6:16 Interlinear: and it cometh to pass, at the seventh time, the priests have blown with the trumpets, and Joshua saith unto the people, 'Shout ye, for Jehovah hath given to you the city;
Parallel Strong's
Holman Christian Standard Bible
After the seventh time, the priests blew the trumpets, and Joshua said to the people, “ Shout! For the LORD has given you the city. New American Standard Bible
At the seventh time, when the priests blew the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, "Shout! For the LORD has given you the city. King James Bible
And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city.
Parallel Verses
International Standard Version
As they completed the seventh time, after the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua told the army, "Shout, because the LORD has given you the city! American Standard Version
And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for Jehovah hath given you the city.Young's Literal Translation
and it cometh to pass, at the seventh time, the priests have blown with the trumpets, and Joshua saith unto the people, 'Shout ye, for Jehovah hath given to you the city;
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