1 Peter 4 Mace New Testament

Living for God’s Glory
(1 Corinthians 10:23–33)

1Since then Christ has with respect to his mortal nature died for us, arm yourselves with this reflection, that he, who is dead with respect to sensuality, has renounced sin; 2so that for the future he does not pass the rest of this life in gratifying his sensual passions, but in conformity to the divine precepts. 3for the time past of your lives may suffice, to have liv'd in conformity to the Gentile customs, in impurity, licentiousness, sottishness, in dissolute festivals, and the criminal rites of idolaters. 4As they think it strange, that you don't concur in the same profusion of luxury, they traduce you. 5but they will be call'd to account by him, who is ready to judge both the living and the dead. 6for to this end was the gospel preach'd to those, who are now dead, that after having suffer'd the loss of this frail life from men, they might enjoy an immortal life with God.

7The consummation of all things draws nigh, be temperate, be vigilant in prayer. 8but above all, let your mutual benevolence be intense, for benevolence cancels a multitude of offences. 9be mutually hospitable, without repining. 10as good economists of the different dispensations of God, communicate to one another the gifts you have receiv'd. 11let a speaker deliver nothing but what is agreeable to the divine oracles: and let him that attends the poor, be active in proportion to the strength God has given him, amen.

Suffering as Christians

12My dear brethren, don't be surpriz'd at your being brought as it were to the test of fire; as if some strange thing had happen'd to you. 13on the contrary, rejoice at the share you have of sufferings, as well as Christ: that you may likewise triumph, when he shall appear in his glory. 14if you suffer indignities in the cause of Christ, you are happy: for the glorious spirit of God rests upon you. 15take care therefore not to suffer upon the account of homicide, or thievery, or for any criminal, or pragmatical practices. 16but whoever suffers as a christian, let him not be asham'd, but rather give thanks to God upon that account. 17for now is the time when God will begin his judgments with his own church, now if he begins with us, what will the conclusion be to those who do not obey the divine gospel? 18if the virtuous escape with difficulty, what will become of impious transgressors? 19let those then, whom God calls to sufferings, by virtue recommend their souls to him, as to a creator, who will make good his promise.