The Ontology of Processual Being: Nicolai Hartmann’s interpretation of the Hegelian Dialectical Process - Pietras A., 2018
- ️Pietras, Alicja
- ️Mon Jan 01 2018
The Ontology of Processual Being: Nicolai Hartmann’s interpretation of the Hegelian Dialectical Process
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Open peer commentary on the article “Neurodialectics: A Proposal for Philosophy of Cognitive and Social Sciences” by Nicolas Zaslawski. Abstract: In this commentary I maintain that in order to improve the dialectical approaches of cognition by using the Hegelian concept of the dialectical process it is necessary to take into account Hartmann’s ontology of processual being.
Pietras A. (2018) The ontology of processual being: Nicolai hartmann’s interpretation of the Hegelian dialectical process. Constructivist Foundations 14(1): 62–65. Copy Citation
Pietras A. (2018) The ontology of processual being: Nicolai hartmann’s interpretation of the Hegelian dialectical process. Constructivist Foundations 14(1): 62–65.
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