COP22 -

Withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement, a profound disappointment

COP22 President, Salaheddine Mezouar expresses his profound disappointment following the decision of President Trump to withdraw the United States of America from the Paris Agreement, an historic collaboration and universal accord in the fight against climate change. “Despite this decision, climate action remains undeniable and irreversible. Our collective efforts to fight climate change don’t stop, […]

National Conference “Action Climat Maroc Post COP22” maintains the momentum from Marrakech

Six months following COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco’s State Secretariat for Sustainable Development organized the “Action Climat Maroc Post COP22” conference today in Rabat in order to look back on the negotiated outcomes and initiatives launched during the UN Climate Change Conference in the Ochre city this past November and to maintain the momentum of the […]

The COP22 Presidency assures full support to observer groups in advancing climate action

The COP22 Presidency led by Salaheddine Mezouar and COP22 Ambassador for Multilateral Negotiations, Aziz Mekouar had another busy day at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn as they continued to meet with negotiating groups including the Least Developed Countries (LDC), BASIC Group (Brazil, South Africa, China India) the Coalition for Rainforest Nations and the […]

COP22 Presidency meets with negotiating groups and promotes enhancing civil society engagement

Climate negotiations continued today in Bonn at the UN Climate Change Conference. The COP22 Presidency, led by Salaheddine Mezouar and Ambassador for Multilateral Negotiations, Aziz Mekouar conducted a series of meetings with several groups of negotiators to take stock of progress made towards developing the work program that will serve to implement the Paris Agreement […]

COP22 Presidency continues its leadership role at UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn

The Bonn Climate Change Conference kicked off today in Germany and will continue through May 18. Nearly 4,000 climate negotiators, observer groups and civil society climate change actors from more than 184 countries are gathering in Bonn, Germany for meetings of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies on implementation, science, technology and to move the ball forward […]