
Index Catalog Objects: IC 400 - 449

Historical Identification: Per Dreyer, IC 447 (Barnard, 1860 RA 06 23 27, NPD 79 53) is "very faint, most extremely large, diffuse". The position precesses to RA 06 31 10.3, Dec +10 01 26, on the northern edge of a very large, bright reflection nebula enveloping several early-type stars, so the identification is reasonably certain. (Per Corwin, this was identified by Barnard as possibly being identical to NGC 2245, but that lies well to the east, so that suggestion was wrong.) Most references list this as IC 447, but some list it as IC 2169, which see for a discussion of the duplicate entry.
Physical Information: Apparent size 23 by 19 arcmin.

IC 448
Discovered (Jan 29, 1891) by Max Wolf
A reflection nebula in Monoceros (near RA 06 32.7, +07 25.25 ?)

Historical Identification: Per Dreyer, IC 448 (Max Wolf [A.N.](#3027), 1860 RA 06 25, NPD 82 30±) is a "nebulosity northwest of a 5th magnitude star" (#3027 refers to a note published by Wolf in the Astronomische Nachricten of that number, at the end of which he discusses a nebula near 13 Monocerotis). Wolf's paper specifies a position of 1890 RA 06 25, Dec +07 30, "immediately northwest of 5th magnitude star 13 Monocerotis", but his position is well to the west of 13 Monocerotis, which Dreyer must have discovered when he precessed it to the equinox of 1860, so he changed Wolf's position to one nearer the star. Unfortunately the resulting IC position is not northwest but north of the star, so it still does not correspond to the area specified by Wolf's description. The position shown in the description for this entry was obtained by assuming that Wolf's declination was accurate, that the nebulous region to the west of Dreyer's position (and therefore northwest of 13 Monocerotis) is what Wolf observed, and altering the right ascension to match the center of that region. Whether that is what Wolf actually observed (and is therefore IC 448) is another matter, and in the labeled image below I have also shown the positions estimated by Corwin and Steinicke. The brighter region selected by Steinicke seems a likely alternative to me, but whether Wolf could have observed a faint nebula that close to the star seems less certain, and it requires an error in both his coordinates. Corwin's position is closer to that specified by Dreyer, but since there is nothing in Wolf's paper to suggest that Dreyer's position is accurate, being closer to that is not necessarily better. In other words, though there is no doubt that IC 448 is some part of the nebulosity to the northwest of 13 Monocerotis, which part it might be is unknown.

DSS image of region near reflection nebula IC 448
Above, a 12 arcmin wide region centered on the position listed here for IC 448
Below, a labeled view of the region, also showing Corwin and Steinicke's positions
Labeled DSS image of region near reflection nebula IC 448

IC 449 (= PGC 19554)
Discovered (Sep 6, 1888) by
Lewis Swift (VIII-43)
A 13th-magnitude lenticular galaxy (type E/S0?) in Camelopardalis (RA 06 45 41.4, Dec +71 20 37)

Historical Identification:
Physical Information: Apparent size 1.5 by 1.1 arcmin (from images below).

DSS image of lenticular galaxy IC 449
Above, a 2.4 arcmin wide closeup of IC 449
Below, a 12 arcmin wide region centered on the galaxy
DSS image of region near lenticular galaxy IC 449