Gold Key STAR TREK Comics - Reprints

Reprint Editions - The Enterprise Logs

   In the mid-1970s, Golden Press, a division of Western Publishing which owned Gold Key comics, reprinted several of the STAR TREK comics in four volumes from 1976 to 1977. The four volumes are shown below and detailed information about each is given. These four books are still an affordable way for one to read 35 of the Gold Key STAR TREK comic stories. There is a page within this site which gives details about the Psycho-Files which were some new material included in volumes one and three of the Enterprise Log reprints.

Mini Comics - Dan Curtis Reprints

    In 1974, Western Publishing Co. produced a set of 9 different 6" x 3", 22-page color miniature comics. They were intended to be sold with bubble gum, like baseball cards, but never used. Each comic reprinted a story from classic GOLD KEY comics. The set was listed as DAN CURTIS REPRINTS in the Giveaway Comics Section of Overstreet Comic Guide. Listed below are the nine mini comics along with the issue number and story titles. The first two comics link to the individual story pages within this Gold Key STAR TREK site, while the last seven link to cover images.

Whitman Dynabrite Reprints

    In 1978 - 1979, Whitman Publishing Co. produced a series of about 16 different comic reprints which were 10" x 7-1/8" with cardboard covers with blank inside covers. Two of these reprinted STAR TREK stories and these are described and depicted below.
