Common Linnet Linaria Cannabina Species | BirdLife DataZone
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At a glance
IBAs/KBAs identified for this species
IUCN Red List assessment
IUCN Red List category
Justification for Red List category
Extent of Occurrence (EOO)
Continuing decline in EOO
Continuing decline in AOO
Range description
Continuing decline in number of locations
Very restricted AOO/number of locations
Country/territory distribution
Country/territory | Presence | Origin | Seasonality |
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Number of mature individuals
All individuals in one subpopulation
Continuing decline in mature individuals
Extreme fluctuations in mature individuals
Extreme fluctuations in subpopulations
Continuing decline in number of subpopulations
Trend justification
Habitat and ecology
Habitat classification
Habitat (Level 1) | Habitat (Level 2) | Season | Importance |
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Threats impacting the species
Threat classification
Threat (level 1) | Threat (level 2) | Timing | Scope | Severity | Impact | Stresses |
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Use and trade
Use and trade summary
End uses
Conservation action
Conservation actions underway and needed
Conservation actions in place
Action | In place? | Details |
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Alliance for Zero Extinction species
Search for Lost Birds species
Conservation actions needed
Action (Level 1) | Action (Level 2) | Action (Level 3) | Details |
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Research needed
Research (Level 1) | Research (Level 2) | Details |
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Assessment history
IUCN Red List assessment history
Note that a change in IUCN Red List category does not necessarily indicate a genuine change in the status of the species, but may simply reflect improved knowledge of the species' status.
Assessment year | IUCN Red List Category | Criteria |
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Taxonomic notes
Credits & acknowledgements
BirdLife International
BirdLife Species Champion(s)
BirdLife Species Guardian(s)
Sub-global Red List assessments
Geographic scope | Year | Category | Criteria | Assessment | Supplementary information |
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Important sites (IBAs/KBAs) identified for the species
Number of IBAs/KBAs identified
Average protected area coverage of IBAs/KBAs
Country/territory | IBA/KBA name | % Protected area/OECM | Year of last site assessment |
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Proportion of IBAs/KBAs identified for the species overlapping with protected areas/OECMs
Key policy instruments
Policy instruments relating to species
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of policy instruments relating to this species - only a selection of key instruments are shown.
Policy instrument | Listing | Number of national Parties/Signatories |
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Articles & publications
Other resources
eBird Status Map
eBird Trend Map
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