
Friday's Forgotten Books: THE LINKS - and - Race Williams in "Victim for Vengeance" by Carroll John Daly

Now that Race Williams has your attention, here are the links to the latest batch of Friday's Forgotten Books. (Patti Abbott is taking a well-deserved week off.)

These posts were up as of 9:30am Pacific Time. I'll be adding to the list throughout the morning. If I've missed you (or screwed yours up), give me a shout! delewis1@hotmail.com

Yvette Banek: Six books by D.E. Stevenson
Joe Barone: The Case of the Baited Hook by Erle Stanley Gardner
Brian Busby: The Gynecologist by Sol Allen
Bill Crider: Men Without Bones by Gerald Kersh
William F. Deeck: Disguise for a Dead Gentleman by Guy Compton
Martin Edwards: Vegetable Duck by John Rhode
Curt Evans: Miss Silver Comes to Stay by Patricia Wentworth
Rich Horton: The Man in Lower Ten by Mary Roberts Rinehart
Jerry House: The Golden Summer by Daniel Nathan
Nick Jones: Ripley's Game by Patricia Highsmith
George Kelley: Mystery Writers Handbook, Lawrence Treat, ed.
Rob Kitchin: Briarpatch by Ross Thomas
Randy Johnson: Law of the Trigger by Clifton Adams
K.A. Laity: The Crusts on Its Uppers by Derek Raymond
BV Lawson: Home is the Prisoner by Jean Potts
Todd Mason: Death Rattle, RAW and WW3 Illustrated
Nik Morton: Mission by Philip Spires
J.F. Norris: Moon of the Wolf by Leslie Whitten
James Reasoner: The Dark Mirror by Basil Copper
Karyn Reeves: Night's Black Agent by John Bingham
Richard Robinson: More Than Honor by David Weber, David Drake and S.M. Stirling
Dan Stumpf: House of Whacks by Matthew Branton
Kevin Tipple: The Last Call: A Bill Travis Mystery by George Wier
TomCat: An Old Fashioned Mystery by Runa Fairleigh
Zybahn: "Strange Prey" by George C. Chesbro


This "Complete Novel" (35 pages of text and 3 pages of art) appeared in the September 1940 issue of Street & Smith's CLUES. In the context of Race Williams' career, it's pretty far down the line (his first story appeared in 1923), but chronologically, Race still has a long way to go. His last adventure was published in 1954.

Almanack-wise, this is the twelfth Race Williams story I've scanned and offered to readers via email. The list of Race subscribers now numbers more than a hundred. If you're already on that list, you'll find this complete story in your mailbox soon. If you'd like to join the gang, and receive this adventure and the previous eleven, just shoot me an email at delewis1@hotmail.com.

As "Victim for Vengeance" begins, Race learns that a gunman known as the Admiral, whom he had previously run out of New York, is back in town. Worse, the Admiral is shooting his mouth off, saying Race is too yellow to come and get him. Race promptly disabuses him of that notion:

We'll, he'll certainly try. Race soon finds himself embroiled in a plot involving a Broadway starlet, a kidnapped child, the vengeful Admiral and a bashful gent known only as "John Smith." Can Race shoot himself out of trouble? Read "Victim for Vengeance" and see for yourself.

P.S. You'll also be pleased to learn that Black Dog Books recently published the long-awaited volume Race Williams' Double Date and Other Stories. These tales were selected by longtime Daly collector Stephen Mertz, and includes an illuminating foreward penned by Steve himself. In addition to five Race Williams stories, there's one featuring Daly's number two hero Satan Hall, one starring Doc Fay (the closest Daly came to a Christ figure), two other fine stories, and "The Ambulating Lady," in which Daly discusses the craft of writing. There are even a few words by me.

To order, click right HERE!