Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the western Atlantic Ocean that is the site of several unexplained mysteries.
The boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle cover the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas, the Sargasso Sea, the northern Caribbean island area, and the North Atlantic Ocean east to the Azores. The more familiar triangular boundary in most written works has as its points somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Florida near Miami, at San Juan, Puerto Rico, and at the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda. Most of the shipping incidents are concentrated along the northern boundary of the region, around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits.
Points of Interest
- Diabloverde (in New Earth continuity)
- Fortress of Solitude (in Rebirth continuity)
- Paradise Island (in some timelines)
- Sargasso Sea (in Earth-Two and Quality Universe continuities)
- Xebel (in New Earth and Prime Earth continuities)
See Also
- Appearances of Bermuda Triangle
- Location Gallery: Bermuda Triangle
- Catalogued images related to Bermuda Triangle