Justice League Vol 4 73
Justice League (Volume 4) #73 is an issue of the series Justice League (Volume 4) with a cover date of May, 2022. It was published on March 1, 2022.
Synopsis for "Leagues of Chaos, Part Two"
Appearing in "Leagues of Chaos, Part Two"
Featured Characters:
- Justice League Dark
- Detective Chimp
- Doctor Fate (Khalid Nassour)
- Hauhet (Behind the scenes)
- Etrigan
- John Constantine
- Swamp Thing (Alec Holland)
- Zatanna (Also in a vision)
- Justice League
Supporting Characters:
- Lords of Chaos (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Lords of Order (Flashback only)
- Nabu (Flashback and main story) (Also as a spirit)
- Madame Xanadu
- Xanadoth (Flashback and main story)
- Black Adam (Possessed)
Other Characters:
- The Great Darkness (Mentioned only)
- Superman (Clark Kent) (Mentioned only)
- Superman (Jon Kent) (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse (Behind the scenes)
- Earth 0
- Prehistoric Era
- Mesopotamia (Flashback only)
- 2021
- Kahndaq
- Shiruta
- Palace of the Shah (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Shiruta
- United States of America
- New Orleans
- French Quarter
- Washington, D.C.
- Hall of Justice
- Dark Quarters
- The Library of the Justice League Dark
- Dark Quarters
- Hall of Justice
- New Orleans
- Themyscira (Mentioned only)
- Kahndaq
- Prehistoric Era
- Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- Sphere of the Gods
- Realm of Order (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Earth 0
- The Void (Mentioned only)
- Batsuit
- Black Canary's Staff
- Forged Spike of Xanadoth (Real name revealed) (First full appearance)
- Bracelets of Submission
- Green Arrow's Bow
- Helmet of Fate
- Hippolyta's Shield
- Hippolyta's Sword
- Hippolyta's Tiara
- Kryptonite (Mentioned only)
- Lasso of Truth
- Nth Metal
- Trident of Neptune
- Wonder Woman's Tiara