Parademons are the personal shock troops of Darkseid of Apokolips.
New Earth
Parademons are genetically created in Apokolips' laboratories and serve as his loyal army. Some Parademons are bred from human stock, culled from the lowly Hunger Dogs that reside in the Armagetto district of Apokolips. When Darkseid decides to mount an interplanetary invasion (usually of Earth), he sends in waves of Parademons as the advance force. The Parademons have engaged in combat with several of Earth's super-heroes, notably the Justice League.
The New 52
Parademons are the advance forces in the armies of Apokolips, created from reformatted genetic material gleaned either from the living or dead remains of native species pertaining to parallel worlds razed throughout the Multiverse.[4] In initial assaults they first snatch up every living being in sight, taking them to their nearby conversion facilities; there, using New God technologies the cultivation of captured victims occurs, repurposing them into new Parademons programmed to serve and enforce the will of Lord Darkseid.[5] It was their invasion that led to the creation of the Justice League.
Powers and Abilities
- Energy Projection
- Fire Breath
- Self-Detonation: When all else fails they can discharge themselves, immolating everything around them.[6]
- Parademon Conversion: Parademons act as mobile conversion factories capable of processing and repurposing individual beings into new Parademons.[4]
- Superhuman Strength
- Transformation: They have the capacity to convert their shapes and forms for better and quicker mobility when aerial adaptation is inoperable.[6]
- Wings
- Flight
- Wing Blades: A Parademon's avian features are razor-sharp, cutting and piercing with a refined edge.[6]
- Parademons become creepier, stronger and tougher if they are attacked with darkness powers.[7]
Type of Government:
None; slave labor force
Level of Technology:
Advanced; Parademons make use of advanced weaponry and glider-rockets for flying. In The New 52, Parademons are composed of biomorphing Nanocytes that change and morph their physiology.
3g4; Pharzoof; Topkick; Parademon (a nameless Parademon who came to Earth and became an unwilling member of the Secret Six); Mother Machine (a human who was partially Parademonized, bestowing technopathy and techno-morphing).
See Also
Links and References

This character has been primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."