
WCW Thunder - Thursday, September 2, 1999

  • We see an all-new Berlyn promo.

  • Match #4: WCW World Cruiserweight Champion Lenny (w/ Lodi) vs. Kidman
    • Tonight's opponent for Lenny: Kidman!
    • Lil' Squeegee is the referee for this match.
    • Apparently, Kaz Hayashi will face the winner of this match at Fall Brawl.
    • Lockup, Kidman goes behind and takes Lenny down.
    • Lenny follows by working on the arm until Kidman pushes him to the rope with some rights.
    • Lenny hits a shoulderblock off the ropes.
    • Lenny runs to the ropes and then skips around the ring.
    • Lenny hits a boot and goes off the ropes.
    • Lenny hits a shoulderblock and goes to the ropes.
    • Lenny tries to leap over Kidman but trips as he gets up.
    • Kidman gets some punches in out of rage.
    • Lenny runs to the turnbuckle like a fairy, waves Kidman off and gets a clothesline for his trouble.
    • Lenny whips Kidman, who answers with a flying headscissors.
    • Kidman sends Lenny outside with a dropkick.
    • Kidman connects with a baseball side dropkick on Lenny.
    • Kidman then dives on Lenny and Lodi.
    • Back in, Kidman hits a slingshot legdrop for two.
    • Off the ropes, Lenny gets out of a Rocker Dropper attempt.
    • Kidman goes to the ropes and thanks to Lodi, Lenny gets the upper hand with a clothesline.
    • Kidman ends up outside and gets punished by Lodi.
    • Lodi brings Kidman back in and Lenny covers for two.
    • Lenny whips Kidman, who goes behind and tries a body scissors.
    • Lenny counters with a face-first powerbomb for two.
    • Commercials.
    • Lenny slides under Kidman, but after a hair pull he eats a backdrop suplex.
    • Kidman shoots Lenny cross-corner but misses the charge.
    • After Lenny drops Kidman face first he covers for two.
    • Lenny does the "Talk to the Hand" motion before covering for two.
    • We are 21 days and three hours until WCW Mayhem.
    • Lenny with the Interior Motives Resthold.
      • If you want to know what I'm referring to, watch the Discovery Channel. You'll know it when you see it. :-)
    • Kidman fights out, but Lenny gets a knee to the midsection and a gutwrench powerbomb for two.
    • Lenny with a scoop slam and a leg drop.
    • Lenny covers for two.
    • Lenny goes to the second turnbuckle but Kidman gets him from behind and hits a powerbomb.
    • Kidman lands some rights.
    • Kidman whips Lenny cross-corner and hits a clothesline on the rebound.
    • Kidman gets sent to the corner, but does a floatover and hits the off-the-turnbuckle bulldog for two.
    • Kidman sends Lenny to the corner.
    • Lenny goes to the middle turnbuckle and crossbodies on Robinson.
    • Kidman does his Rydeen Bomb.
    • With Robinson out, Lodi comes in and DDT's Kidman.
    • Lodi rolls Lenny on Kidman for two.
    • Lenny whips Kidman, who takes out Lodi on the apron.
    • Lenny tries a powebomb with the usual results.
    • Kidman makes a one-hand desperation cover for two.
    • Kidman pulls Lenny in position for the Shooting Star Press!
    • Lodi cuts Kidman off, calling for the bell.
    • YOUR WINNER: Kidman via DQ in 10:56.
    • Lodi assaults Kidman until Rey Mysterio, Jr. makes his appearance on the top turnbuckle.
    • Kidman reverses a corner whip so Rey can hit a Thesz Press on Lodi.
    • Kidman sends Rey into the other corner for a Rough Rider on Lenny.
    • The Lambda Brothers flee as Kidman and Rey stand tall.

  • For Fall Brawl, the Filthy Animals take on the Dead Pool.

  • 1-800-CALL-ATT shill.

  • Fall Brawl Promo.

  • The Revolution come out for an interview segment.
    • Benoit calls Sid Vicious by far the biggest man by stature he's ever faced.
    • Benoit mentions Sid's comment about standing out, but insists he's stepping up.
    • Benoit is giving Sid the opportunity to show him at Fall Brawl how tough he is.
    • Benoit says Sid will have to beat him to death to take the U.S. title.
    • Benoit says it will take more than a powerbomb to make him a believer in Sid.
    • To close his monologue, Benoit gives the thumb across the throat.
    • Saturn gets the mic.
    • Saturn tells Sid that sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted.

  • For the U.S. Title at Fall Brawl, it's Chris Benoit vs. Sid Vicious.

  • This Week In WCW Motorsports. Have I mentioned how ridiculous Riki Rachtman's dyed red hair is?

  • Fun with Coach "Buzz" Stern.
    • Buzz has a pep talk with four trainees in a warehouse.
    • Buzz says that of the four, only one can be selected for the Winners Club.
    • That one is -- Luther Biggs, some blonde guy who looks like his biological clock is permanently set at 4:20.
    • As Biggs leaps from the bench, he trips and falls to the floor.
    • Biggs accepts a reward as he and Buzz ramble.
    • Man, this might suck worse than Glacier.

  • Match #5: Disorderly Conduct vs. Harlem Heat
    • Disorderly Conduct will lay down tonight for...
    • The Harlem Heat!
    • Since Bill's on vacation, we get no "Stevie Ray Looking Like a Bad Motherf***er" pic tonight. :-(
    • We start with Mean Mike and Booker T.
    • Booker with a wristlock.
    • The two break at the ropes.
    • Lockup, Booker with a hammerlock.
    • Mike gets some token offense followed by a whip.
    • Booker blocks a clothesline and hits a urinage.
    • Axe kick gets two when Tuff Tom makes the save.
    • Booker clobbers Tom from behind.
    • Tag to Stevie Ray.
    • The brothers Huffman do a delayed vertical suplex.
    • Mike gets in an eyerake and a tag to Tom.
    • Stevie reverses a whip and hits a powerslam.
    • Stevie lands a running clothesline.
    • Stevie beats on Tom in his corner.
    • Tom gets an eyerake and tags Mike.
    • Both men whip Stevie, who no-sells a double-clothesline.
    • Stevie clotheslines both men and tags Booker.
    • Booker cleans house and gets a spin kick on Mike.
    • The 110th Street Slam follows on Tom.
    • Tag to Stevie.
    • Booker whips Tom and goes to the corner.
    • Stevie bearhugs Tom as Booker follows with the Harlem Sidekick for the win!
    • YOUR WINNERS: Harlem Heat in 3:14.
    • Post match, the Windham brothers run-in.
    • Kendell ends up going outside and Barry follows soon after.

  • For the World Tag Team Titles, it's the Windhams vs. Harlem Heat at Fall Brawl.

  • Fall Brawl promo.

  • Match #6: Scotty Riggs (w/ Narcissist ripoff gimmick) vs. Prince Iaukea
    • Riggs' fifteen minutes of fame continues tonight on Thunder.
    • His opponent: Prince Iaukea.
    • Tenay mentions Goldberg being at the Jim Valvano Golf Tournament, but makes no mention of Ric Flair being there.
    • Riggs attacks Iaukea from behind, sounding the bell.
    • Iaukea gets in an armdrag takedown.
    • Iaukea whips Riggs cross corner and gets an enziguri in for two.
    • Iaukea with a chinlock. THIS EARLY?
    • Iaukea comes off the ropes and eats a dropkick.
    • In the corner, Riggs does a boot choke.
    • Iaukea gets some token offense, but Riggs brings him to the corner.
    • Riggs with a cross corner whip and a high knee.
    • Riggs whips Iaukea into a dropkick for two.
    • Riggs whips Iaukea and telegraphs a back bodydrop.
    • Iaukea gets some offense in, but Riggs hits in a lariat.
    • Both men go outside and duke it out until a Riggs cheap shot turns the tide.
    • Riggs goes in and drops Iaukea throat first as he hits the apron.
    • Iaukea gets the advantage and goes up top but misses the crossbody.
    • Riggs hits the legdrop DDT for the win.
    • YOUR WINNER: Scotty Riggs via legdrop DDT in 2:51.
    • Someone please keep Iaukea off my screen.

  • Another Fall Brawl Promo.

  • WCW Hotline shill.

  • We see a really cheesey mock promo for "Cat-Bo," a new workout video featuring Ernest Miller.

  • Match #7: The Cat (w/ Sonny Onoo) vs. Goldberg
    • The Master of Cat-Bo makes his way out.
    • Cat says he's going to shake up the world and whoop somebody tonight, so call his momma.
    • Cat wants to work his way up from the top and calls out Hulk Hogan.
    • Onoo mentions Goldberg, which Cat follows by saying that he whooped Goldberg.
    • Cat says he'll take out Goldberg and Hogan, then follows by sending Onoo to the back.
    • Cat says he's beat Goldberg once before and plans to put his mic up [MUTE] so the crowd can hear him kick his ass.
    • Goldberg comes out to his original bad-ass theme. About time they realized "Crush 'Em" wouldn't work.
    • Cat hits a standing side kick while wearing the RED SHOES OF DEATH.
    • Goldberg responds with a spear.
    • The Jackhammer follows. The Cat is hereby neutered.
    • YOUR WINNER: Goldberg via Jackhammer in 0:35.
    • A bit on the short side, but it's good to see The Cat get his ass handed to him.

  • They shill Goldberg vs. DDP at Fall Brawl again.

  • Another Hogan vs. Sting promo for Fall Brawl airs.

  • We get the fireworks at 9:50 P.M. EDT

  • Match #8: Sid Vicious vs. Perry Saturn
    • "Generic Heel Music" brings out Sid.
    • Speaking of which, the sound guy could be a dick by changing his theme to "Take Me Out to the Ball Game."
    • Saturn gets the second entrance.
    • Sid taunts Saturn to start.
    • Lockup, Sid muscles Saturn to the corner.
    • Saturn evades a punch, goes to the ropes and as Sid charges he pulls the ropes down, sending Sid out of the ring.
    • Sid gets the advantage coming back into the ring.
    • Sid lands some punches in the corner.
    • Sid chokes Saturn.
    • Saturn comes off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and HE PINS THE BIG MAN AFTER THREE SUPERKICKS!
    • Just kidding. Saturn does get in three standing side kicks in and sends Sid out of the ring with a clothesline.
    • Saturn tries a crossbody from the ring but Sid catches him.
    • Sid hot-shots Saturn on the safety rail.
    • Sid throws Saturn in the ring and follows.
    • Sid does a cross-corner whip but runs into a boot.
    • Saturn gets a missile dropkick in from the turnbuckle.
    • Saturn comes off the ropes and tries a sunset flip.
    • Sid grabs Saturn by the throat, lifts him up and gives him the chokeslam.
    • Sid tears at Saturn's face.
    • Sid lands some boots.
    • Saturn gets some comeback offense but Sid front slams him after a crossbody attempt.
    • Sid gets a two count.
    • Sid whips Saturn cross-corner but misses the running kick.
    • Saturn with an atomic drop.
    • Saturn gets in ten punches on the turnbuckle, but Rick Steiner runs in to interrupt.
    • YOUR WINNER: Perry Saturn via DQ in 5:40.
    • As Sid sets up Saturn for a powerbomb, Malenko runs out, grabs Rick Steiner's TV belt and decks Steiner from behind.
    • Saturn then clotheslines Sid out of the ring.
    • Benoit and Douglas make their way in.
    • It's funny how Douglas always tries to look menacing when he always comes in after the damage is done.
    • The two parties yell at each other as we fade...

  • The Good: Kaz Hayashi vs. El Dandy and Lenny vs. Kidman (before the DQ).

  • The Bad: I'm getting tired of Shane Douglas. He's a decent grappler, but does nothing else of note in the ring and he says the same damned things on the mic over and over. The crowd doesn't want a revolution! They want to see why you were a big name in ECW!

  • The Ugly: Well, at least Douglas isn't as useless as Prince "Good Head = TV Title Reign" Iaukea.