Preserving the Mental Map using Foresighted Layout
First we introduce the concept of graph animations as a sequence of evolving graphs and a generic algorithm which computes a Foresighted Layout for dynamically drawing these graphs while preserving the mental map. The algorithm is generic in the sense that it takes a static graph drawing algorithm as a parameter. In other words, trees can be animated with a static tree layouter, graphs with a static Sugiyama-style layouter or a spring embedder, etc. Second we discuss applications of Foresighted Layout in algorithm animation and visualization of navigation behaviour.
@inproceedings{ :10.2312/VisSym/VisSym01/175-184 ,
booktitle = { Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization },
editor = { David S. Ebert and Jean M. Favre and Ronald Peikert },
title = {{ Preserving the Mental Map using Foresighted Layout }},
author = { Diel, Stepahn and Görg, Carsten and Kerren, Andreas },
year = { 2001 },
publisher = { The Eurographics Association },
ISSN = { 1727-5296 },
ISBN = { 3-211-83674-8 },
DOI = { /10.2312/VisSym/VisSym01/175-184 }