Container List:
Box 1
- 1923. "The Development of Paganism in the Roman Empire," The Cambridge
Ancient History, Vol. XII: 409-766
- 1924. "The Christian Sacramentum in Pliny and a Pagan Counterpart," The
Classical Review: 1-2
- 1924. "Eros the Child," The Classical Review: 1-3
- 1924. "The Historical Importance of Cult-Associations," The Classical
Review: 1-5
- 1924. "The Praises of Antioch," The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology,
Vol. 40: 76-82
- 1924. "A Traditional From in Religious Language," The Classical Quarterly:
- 1925. "The Mother Goddess," The Classical Review: 1-2
- 1925. "Old Christian Inscriptions in Latin," The Classical Review:
- 1925. "Theocritus," Classical Review
- 1926. "A Curse from Cyrene," Mitterlungen und Hinweise: 172-173
- 1926. "INTRARE SVB IVGVM," The Classical Quarterly, Vol.
XX, No. 2: 107-109
- 1926. "Notes on Beliefs and Myths," Journal of Hellenic Studies,
Vol. XLVI: 47-53
- 1926. "The Proem of Lucan," The Classical Review, Vol. XL, No. 1,2:
- 1926. "Two Attic Epitaphs," Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. XLVI:
- 1927. "Hermetica," The Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. XXIX,
No. 113: 41-43
- 1927. "The Lyra of Orpheus," The Classical Review, Vol. Xl, No. 5:
- 1927. "Magic Spears," The Classical Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 3, 4:
- 1927. "The Minoan-Mycenaean and its Survival in Greek Religion, by Martin
P. Nilsson," book review by Nock: 297-298
- 1928. "Alexander of Abonuteichos," 1-3
- 1928. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt A. Papyri (1926-1927)," The
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. XIV, Parts I and II: 131-158
- 1928. "Die griechisch-orientalische Romanliteratur in religionsgeschichtlicher
Beleuchtung," Gnomon, 4 Band, Heft 9: 485-492
- 1928. "Notes on Ruler Cult, I-IV," Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol.
XLVIII: 21-43
- 1928. "Oracles Theologiques," Etudes Anciennes, tome XXX:
- 1928. "Religious Development from Vespasian to Trajan," Theology,
Vol. XVI, No. 93: 152-160
- 1929. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt A. Papyri (1927-1928)," The
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. XV, Parts I and II: 112-136
- 1929. "Die Cathedra im Totenkult der heidnischen und schritlichen Antike,
by Theodor Klauser, Altchristliche Totengedachtnistage und ihre Beziehung zum
Jenseitsglauben und Totenkultus der Antike, by Adolf Rucker," book reviews by
Nock, The Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. XXX, No. 120: 413-418
- 1929. "A Greek Cryptogram, by Arthur S. Hunt," book review by Nock, The
Classical Review, Vol. XLIII, No. 6: 238
- 1929. "Greek Magical Papyri," The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology,
Vol. XV, Parts III and IV: 219-235
- 1929. "Hyperborean Offerings," The Classical Review, Vol. XLIII, No.
4: 126
- 1930. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt A. Papyri (1928-1929)," The
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. XVI, Parts I and II: 120-140
- 1930. "A Diis Electa: A Chapter in the Religious History of the Third
Century," The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. XXIII, No. 4: 251-274
- 1930. "," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol.
XLI: 1-62
- 1930. "Das Mithrasheiligtum zu Dieburg, by Friedrich Behn" review by
Nock, Gnomon, 6 Band, Heft 1: 30-35
- 1931. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt A. Papyri (1929-1930)," The
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. XVII, Parts I and II: 117-142
- 1931. "Nachtrag zum elften Bande," 995-1005
- 1931. "Papyri graecae magicae die griechischen Zauberpapyri," 1-220
- 1932. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt A. Papyri (1930-1931),"
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. XVIII, Parts I and II: 67-93
- 1932. "The Divinity of the Roman Emperor, by Lily Ross Taylor," a
book review by Nock, Gnomon, 8 Band, Heft 10: 33-518
- 1932. "Magical Texts from a Bilingual Papyrus in the British Museum," from
the proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. XVII: 5-54
Box 2
- 1933. "Paul and the Magus," Bible. N.T. Acts. Greek., ed. F. J.
Foakes-Jackson: 164-176
- 1933. "The Vocabulary of the New Testament," The Journal of Biblical
Literature, Vol. LII, Part II and III: 131-139
- 1934. "Attische Feste, by Ludwig Deubner," Gnomon, 10 Band,
Heft 6: 19-296
- 1934. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt A. Papyri (1932-1933)," The
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. XX, Parts I and II: 78-106
- 1934. "Gorr und Hoelle. Der Mythos vom Descensuskampfe, by Joseph
Kroll," a book review by Nock, The Journal of American Philology, Vol. LV,
No. 2: 182-185
- 1934. "Seviri and Augustales," Melanges Bidez: 627-638
- 1934. "A Vicion of Mandulis Aion," The Harvard Theological Review,
Vol. XXVII, No. 1: 53- 104
- 1935. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt," Th Journal of Egyptian
Archaeology, Vol. XXI, Part I: 71-104
- 1936. "Bibliography: Graeco-Roman Egypt," The Journal of Egyptian
Archaeology, Vol. XXII, Part I: 55-93
- 1936. "Les Dioscures au service d'une deesse, by Fernand
Chapouthier," American Journal of Philology, Vol. LVII, No. 3: 344-347
- 1936. "The Gild of Zeus Hypsistos," The Harvard Theological Review,
Vol. XXIX, No. I: 39-87
- 1936. "Gnosis und spatantiker Geist, by Hans Jonas," Gnomon,
12 Band, Heft 11: 605-612
- 1936. Letter from James Hickey to Nock, December 23, 1936.
- 1936. "Manichaische Handschriften der Sammlung A. Chester Beatty, by Hans
Jakob Polotsky," book review by Nock, American Journal of Philology, Vol. LVII, No. 1: 108-109
- 1937. "By Light, Light. The mystic gospel of Hellenistic Judaism, by
Erwin Goodenough," book review by Nock, Gnomon, 13 Band, Heft
3: 156-166
- 1937. "The Genius of Mithraism," The Journal of Roman Studies:
- 1938. "A Papyrus Codex of the Shepherd of Hermas, ed. Campbell Bonner, Der
Hirt des Hermas, by Ake V. Stroem," book reviews by Nock, Gnomon, 14 Band,
Heft 5: 268-271
- 1939. "La Confessione dei peccati, by Raffaele Pettazoni," Gnomon,
15 Band, Heft 1: 18-23
- 1939. "Conversions and Adolescence," Pisciculi: 165-177
- 1939. "Diatagma Kaisaros. Die Inschrift von Nazareth und das Neue Testament,
by Stephan Losch, and Diatagma Kaisaros. De Caesare manium Iurum vindice, by
Hieronymus Markowski," book reviews by Nock, American Journal of Philology,
Vol. LX, No. 1: 118-122
- 1939. "A Feature of Roman Religion," The Harvard Theological Review,
Vo. XXXII, No. 1: 83- 96
- 1939. "Neue astrologische Texte des Hermes Trismegistos, by Wilhelm
Gundel," book review by Nock, Gnomon, 15 Band, Heft 7:
- 1939. "St. Paul, by Arthur Darby Nock," various book reviews
- 1940. "Orphism or Popular Philosophy?," The Harvard Theological Review,
Vol. XXXIII, No. 4: 301-315
- 1940. "Passio SS. Machabaeorum, by Heinrich Doerrie," American
Journal of Philology, Vol. LXI, No. 2: 250
- 1940. "St. Paul, by Authur Nock," various book reviews
- 1941. "The Epitaph of Julius Terentius," The Harvard Theological Review,
Vol. XXXIV, No. 2: 79-109
- 1942. "Documents of the Primitive Church, by Charles Cutler Torrey,"
book review by Nock, Religion in Life, summer edition
- 1942. "Zur Geschichte des Niederganges des Ptolemaerreiches, by Walter
Otto and Herman Bengtson," book review by Nock, American Journal of Philology,
Vol. LXIII, No. 2: 217-224
- 1942. "Laktanz und die Kosmogonie des spatantiken Synkretismus, by
Konstantin Vilhelmson," book review by Nock, Classical Philology, Vol.
XXXVII, No. 4: 448-451
- 1942. "Religious Attitudes of the Ancient Greeks," Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society, Vol. 85, No. 5: 472-482
- 1942. "St. Paul and the Church of the Gentiles, Wilfred L. Knox,"
book review by Nock, American Journal of Philology, Vol. LXIII, No. 4: 476-480
- 1943. "Abbott Lawrence Lowell," Year Book of the American Philosophical
Society: 406-408
- 1943. "Excavation at Olynthus, by David M. Robinson," book review by
Nock, Classical Weekly, Vol. 37, No. 6: 64-66
- 1943. "Faith and Symbols: An Introduction by Authur Nock," For an Exhibition
held in the Gallery of The Century Association, April: 3-16
- 1943. "Greek in Jewish Palestine," Anglican Theological Review, Vol.
XXV, No. 2: 223-227
- 1943. "Philo, trans. F. H. Colson," book review by Nock, The
Classical Review, Vol. LVII, No. 2: 77-81
Box 3
- 1943. "Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion, Vol. III: Zeus, God of the
Dark Sky (Earthquakes, Clouds, Wind, Dew, Rain, Meteorites), by Arthur
Bernard Cook," a book review by Nock, Classical Philology, Vol. XXXVIII, No.
1: 51-56
- 1944. "The Cult of Heroes," The Harvard Theological Review, Vol.
XXXVII, No. 2: 141-173
- 1946. "Sacarphagi and Symbolism," American Journal of Archaeology,
Vol. L, No. 1: 140-170
- 1947. "Word-Coinage in the Hermetic Writings," Coniectanea
Neotestamentica: 163-178
- 1948. "Some Hellenistic Elements in Primitive Christianity, by Wilfred L.
Knox," Classical Philology, Vol. XLIII, No. 2: 122-126
- 1949. "Karpokrates von Chalkis und die memphitische Isispropoganda, by
Richard Harder," Gnomon: 221-228
- 1949. "Letter to Professor Arthur D. Nock on Some Fundamental Concepts in the
Science of Religion, by Martin P. Nilsson" The Harvard Theological Review,
Vol. XLII, No. 2: 71- 107
- 1949. "Notes on Hermetic Excerpts in Stobaeus," Collection Latomus,
- 1949. "The Problem of Zoroaster," American Journal of Archaeology,
Vol. LIII, No. 3: 272-285
- 1949. "Two Notes," Vigiliae Christianae, Vol. III, No. 1: 48-56
- 1950. "Asclepius: A Collection and Interpretation of the Testimonies, by
Emma J. Edelstein," book review by Nock, Classical Philosophy, Vol. XLV, No.
1: 45-50
- 1951. "Entretien d'Origene avec Heraclide et les eveques ses collegues sur le
Pere, le Fils, er l'ame, by Jean Scherer," book review by Nock, American
Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 55, No. 3: 283-294
- 1950. "The Epistle to Diognetus: The Greek Test with Introduction,
Translation, and Notes, by Henry G. Meecham," The Journal of Religion,
Vol. XXXI, No. 3: 214-216
- 1950. "The Necessity of Scholarship," address at the opening session of the
Divinity School for the Academic Year 1949-1950, Divinity School Bulletin: 37-43
- 1950. "The Strategie in der hellenistischen Zeit: Ein Beitrag zum antiken
Staatsrecht, by Herman Bengtson," book review by Nock, American Journal of
Philology, Vol. LXXI, No. 1: 106-109
- 1950. "Tertullian and the Ahori," Vigiliae Christianae, Vol. IV, No.
3: 9-141
- 1951. "Excavations at Nessana, II Literary Papyri, by L. Casson and E. L.
Hettich," Speculum, Vol. XXVI, No. 3: 503-506
- 1952. "Hellenistic Mysteries and Christian Sacraments," Mnemosyne,
Vol. V: 177-213
- 1952. "The Roman Army and the Roman Religious Year," The Harvard
Theological Review, Vol. XLV, No. 4: 187-252
- 1953. "Aufsatze zur Apostelgeschichte,by Martin Dibelius,"
book review by Nock, Gnomon, aus Band 25: 497-506
- 1953. "Faculty Profile: Murder in the Cathedral," The Harvard Crimson,
Vol. CXXX, No. 119: 3
- 1953. "Papyrological primer, by M. David and B. A. van Groningen,"
- 1953. "Der Rig-Veda, by Karl Friedrich Geldner," 419-420
- 1954. "Heilige Schriften, by Johannes Leipoldt," a book review by
Nock, Gnomon, aus Band 26: 420-423
- 1954. "Odo Casel," NVMEN, Vol. I, Fasc I: 84-85
- 1955. "Jewish symbols in the Greco-Roman period, by Erwin R.
Goodenough," Gnomon, aus Band 27: 558-572
- 1955. "Uber romisches Recht im Rahmen der Kulturgeschichte, by Eberhard
F. Bruck," 244-246
- 1956. "Urgemeinde-Judenchristentum-Gnosis, by Hans-Joachim Schoeps,"
Gnomon: 621-623
- 1957. "Botschaft und Geschichte, by Martin Dibelius," Gnomon:
- 1957. "Deification and Julian," Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 47:
- 1957. "Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, Vols. 5-6, by Erwin R.
Goodenough," book review by Nock, Gnomon, aus Band 29: 524-533
- 1958. "Corpus inscription et monumentorum religionis Mithriacae, by M. J.
Vermaseren," book review by Nock, Gnomon, aus Band 30: 291-295
- 1958. "A Cult Ordinance in Verse," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology,
Vol. LXIII: 415- 421
- 1958. "Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie, by Louis Jalabert,
Rene Mouterde, Claude Mondesert," book review by Nock, American Journal of
Archaeology: 339-341
- 1959. "Posidonius," 1-15
- 1960. "Les cultes indigenes en Carie, by Alfred Laumonier," book
review by Nock, Classical Philology, Vol. LV, No. 2: 121-123
- 1960. "Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, by Erwin R.
Goodenough," book review by Nock, Gnomon, aus Band 32: 728-736
- 1961. Correspondence, from Nock to Dr. Nowak
- 1961. "Die Theologie des Apostels im Lichte der judischen Religionsgeschichte,
by Hans- Joachim Schoeps," book review by Nock, Gnomon, aus Band
33: 581-590
- 1962. "The Sources of Diodorus," The Classical Review, Vol. XII, No.
1: 50-51
- 1963. "Authur Darby Nock Dies at Sixty: Religion Historian's Death Stuns the
Academic World," The Harvard Crimson, Vol. CXXXX, No. 177: 1, 4
- 1964. "Arthur Darby Nock," Harvard University Gazette, Vol. LIX, No.
23: 127-128
- 1964. "The Arthur Darby Nock Fellowship," 1-6
- n.d. "From Jesus to Paul, by Joseph Klausner," book review by Nock, Journal
of Biblical Literature, 55-63
- n.d. "Later Egyptian Piety," Coptic-Egypt, 21-29
- n.d. "Maledictions et Violations de Tombes, by Andre Parrot," book
review by Nock, Journal of Biblical Literature: 88-95
- n.d. "Paul and the Maus," The Beginnings of Christianity, 177-188
- n.d. "Torture by Vinegar"
- n.d. Vertical File Inventory
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