Rodent models for Alzheimer disease - Nature Reviews Neuroscience
- ️Goedert, Michel
- ️Fri Sep 07 2018
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DeVos, S. L. et al. Tau reduction prevents neuronal loss and reverses pathological tau deposition and seeding in mice with tauopathy. Sci. Transl Med. 9, eaag0481 (2017). This study uses antisense oligonucleotides to decrease levels of tau transcripts in an AD mouse model, leading to the amelioration of pathology.
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Tracy, T. E. et al. Acetylated Tau obstructs KIBRA-mediated signaling in synaptic plasticity and promotes tauopathy-related memory loss. Neuron 90, 245–260 (2016).
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Li, C. & Götz, J. Somatodendritic accumulation of Tau in Alzheimer’s disease is promoted by Fyn-mediated local protein translation. EMBO J. 36, 3120–3138 (2017). This study proposes an alternative mechanism for the pathological accumulation of tau in the somatodendritic domain, involving de novo protein synthesis mediated by the FYN–ERK–RPS6 cascade.
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