The European Commission - Commissioner Péter Balázs - CV

  • ️COMM/DG Regional Policy/D.2
Péter Balázs

Born: in Kecskemét (Hungary), 5 December 1941

Academic qualifications

Graduated in Economics at the Budapest School of Economics (1963)
Dr. habil of the Budapest School of Economics (2000)
Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2003)
(A list of selected publications attached)

Proficiency in languages

English, French, German, Russian
Hungarian - mother tongue

Employment record


"Elektroimpex" Hungarian Foreign Trading Co.: Economist


Ministry of Foreign Trade: Desk Officer, Director


Hungarian Embassy, Brussels: Counselor in charge of the EC


Prime Ministers Office: responsible for international economic organisations


Ministry of International Economic Relations: Director General for multilateral relations


Ministry of Industry and Trade: Permanent State Secretary supervising the sectors of industry, energy, building industry, trade and tourism


Hungarian Embassy, Copenhagen: Ambassador


Hungarian Embassy, Bonn-Berlin: Ambassador

2000- 2002

Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration: Professor


Ministry of Foreign Affairs: State Secretary for Integration and External Economic Relations

2003-30 April 2004

Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union: Ambassador (Coreper II.)

from 1 May 2004

Member of the European Commission

Other positions

Founding member of ECSA Hungary
Member of the Union of Hungarian Economists
Founding member of the European Movement in Hungary
Founding member of the Hungarian Foreign Affaires Society
Editor of "Európa Fórum Budapest" a quarterly review on European integration
Hungarian Government Representative in the European Convention
President of the Hungarian Equestrial Union

Selected publications of Prof. Dr. Péter Balázs

Az Európai Megállapodás végrehajásának jogi és elméleti kérdései
(Legal and theoretical questions of the implementation of the Europe Agreement)
(Edited with Marc Maresceau), OMIKK, Budapest, 1995. 248 p.

Az Európai Közösség nemzetközi kapcsolatai; Magyarország és az Európai Unió
(The international relations of the EU; Hungary and the EU)
in: Kende Tamás (ed.): Európai közjog és politika, Osiris-Századvég, Budapest, 1995. 427-470. p.

Az Európai Unió külkapcsolatai és Magyarország
(The external relations of the EU and Hungary)
KJK, Budapest 1996. 483 p.

Magyarország felkészülése az EU-tagságra
(Edited with Marc Maresceau), OMIKK, Budapest, 1996. 438 p.

The Globalization of the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union: Symptoms and Consequences
in: M. Maresceau (ed.): Enlarging the European Union, Longman, London and New York 1997. 358-375. p.

Strategies for the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union, An Integration Theory Approach
in: Pierre-Henri Laurent - Marc Maresceau (ed.): The State of the European Union, Vol. 4., Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colorado (USA), London 1998. 67-86. p.

Az európai .architektúra. (The European .architecture.)
in.: Rácz Margit (ed.): Õszinte Könyv az Európai Unióról, Euro Info Service, Bpest 1999. 10-18. p.

Közös kereskedelempolitika (The common trade policy)
in: Kende Tamás . Szûcs Tamás (ed.): Az Európai Unió politikái, Osiris Budapest 2000. 29-46 p.

General Conclusions
in: Marc Maresceau . Erwan Lannon (ed.): The EU.s Enlargement and Mediterranean Strategies, Palgrave, New York 2001. 367-378. p.

Európai egyesülés és modernizáció (European unification and modernisation)
Osiris Budapest 2001. 353 p.

Az Európai Unió külpolitikája és a magyar-EU kapcsolatok fejlõdése (Foreign policy of the European Union and the development of relations between Hungary and the EU))
KJK Budapest 2002. 516 p.

Hearing of Commissioner Balázs - European Parliament 2004

Questionnaire to the attention of Mr Péter Balázs (pdf 93kb)
Commissioner designate attached to Commissioner Barrot, responsible for Regional Policy

Answers to questionnaire for Commissioner Designate Péter Balázs (pdf 278kb)