en.memory-alpha.org 2245
Events [ ]
By starship or station [ ]
USS Cayuga
USS Constellation
UEF Enterprise
USS Enterprise
Other events [ ]
Appendix [ ]
Background information [ ]
According to "The Pirates of Orion ", Leonard McCoy became a doctor in this year. Since he was eighteen at this time, it is likely that the episode refers to the beginning of his undergraduate studies, supported by "Trials and Tribble-ations ".
The 2245 launch date for the Enterprise was suggested in the Star Trek Chronology , 1st ed., p. 31, and would be referenced in an unseen portion of Jonathan Archer 's biographical display (X) created for "In a Mirror, Darkly ". Although this clashes with a "twenty years old" reference in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock , which would indicate that the Enterprise only dated back to the early 2260s , the later date is supported by the fact that Pike served aboard her during the 2250s , and April much earlier, who served aboard prior to his ambassadorship , beginning in 2250 , while under the assumption that he commanded a five-year mission .
Archer's unused personnel file would also have stated he died this year, one day after observing the christening of the Enterprise . Star Trek suggests Archer may be alive and active in or around Starfleet Academy on Earth past this date as Montgomery Scott was sent to the Delta Vega outpost after testing his theory on transwarp beaming on an Admiral Archer's prize beagle.
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