By starship or station[]
- The USS Voyager pursues the USS Equinox and negotiates a cease fire with the nucleogenic lifeforms. The Equinox is later destroyed with only five crewmembers surviving; they are stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager, with extensive supervision and limited privileges. (VOY: "Equinox, Part II")
- After a near death experience, B'Elanna Torres travels to Gre'thor to rescue her mother Miral from the Barge of the Dead. (VOY: "Barge of the Dead")
- Research begins on expanding The Doctor's program into an Emergency Command Hologram, which will allow him to function as acting captain of Voyager in an emergency. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy")
- Voyager helps revive the Vaadwaur species. They later turn out to be hostile but their subspace corridors propel Voyager two hundred light years closer to the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")
- Voyager encounters a graviton ellipse and retrieves data about the phenomenon from the command module of the Ares IV spacecraft, which had been trapped in the ellipse since 2032. (VOY: "One Small Step")
- Captain Kathryn Janeway is abducted by the Kellidians, but is rescued by Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. (VOY: "Endgame")
- Voyager uses a catapult designed by an alien called Tash to travel thirty sectors closer to Earth. (VOY: "The Voyager Conspiracy")
- The Voyager crew rescues four adolescent Borg drones from a derelict cube: Icheb, Mezoti, Azan, and Rebi. (VOY: "Collective")
Other events[]
- After five years, the Pathfinder Project of Starfleet's Communications Research Center manages to establish contact with Voyager, thanks to the efforts of Reginald Barclay. Eventually, Voyager can transmit and receive monthly data streams from the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY: "Pathfinder")
- The Ocampan city is presumed to have run out of the surplus of power that the Caretaker sent to them before he died. (VOY: "Caretaker")
- Benjamin Sisko's child with Kasidy Yates was to have been born in this year. (DS9: "The Dogs of War", "What You Leave Behind")
- During this year, Kes returns to Voyager. She attempts to travel five years back in time, but stops and decides to return to Ocampa. (VOY: "Fury")
- In an alternate timeline, Kes returns to Voyager and destroys her ship in a collision with Voyager. She then damages Voyager, kills B'Elanna Torres, and uses Voyager's warp core to travel back to 2371. (VOY: "Fury")
- Had the Federation won the trade agreement with the Barzan, the agreement would have ended this year. (TNG: "The Price")
- According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 70), this year, after being re-settled, New Bajor is admitted to the Federation.
- VOY:
- "Equinox"
- "Equinox, Part II"
- "Survival Instinct" (in part)
- "Barge of the Dead"
- "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
- "Dragon's Teeth" (in part)
- "Alice"
- "Riddles"
- "One Small Step" (in part)
- "The Voyager Conspiracy"
- "Pathfinder"
- "Fair Haven"
- "Tsunkatse"
- "Blink of an Eye"
- "Virtuoso"
- "Collective"
- "Memorial"
- "Spirit Folk"
- "Ashes to Ashes"
- "Child's Play"
- "Good Shepherd"
- "Fury" (in part)
- "Live Fast and Prosper"
- "Muse"
- "The Haunting of Deck Twelve" (in part)
- The events of the Deep Space Nine relaunch series begin in this year.
- The video games Star Trek: Armada, Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force, and Star Trek: Hidden Evil also take place in this year.
External link[]
- 2376 at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works