32nd century

The 32nd century was defined in the calendar of Earth as being from 3101 until 3200.

According to the red angel suit, Burnham arrives on Hima in 3188, which is the absolute year used to estimate others for the season.


All time travel technology has been outlawed and destroyed by this century because of the Temporal Wars. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 1")
Standard viewscreen technology, such as those used by Starfleet in prior eras, are no longer in wide use by this time. (DIS: "People of Earth")
  • Senna Tal sends out a message for all those who still believe in the Federation and Starfleet to meet him on Earth. (DIS: "People of Earth")
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  • The USS Discovery is tasked with a Red Directive mission to uncover the Progenitor's hidden technology, which was used to create all humanoid life in the galaxy. (DIS: "Red Directive")
  • Saru acceptes a position as a Federation Ambassador. He and T'Rina get engaged. (DIS: "Red Directive")
  • Captain Michael Burnham and Saru undertake their last mission together as Captain and first officer respectively. The first clue to the Progenitor's life creating technology is found, and Saru officially leaves the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")
  • Captain Michael Burnham appoints Rayner as her first officer. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")
  • The hunt for the technology continues with the next clue discovered on Trill. After passing a test set up by Jinaal Bix, the clue is recovered by Michael and Booker and brought to Discovery. (DIS: "Jinaal")
  • The Bix symbiote, having waited centuries to pass along Jinaal's secrets to a worthy seeker, returns to the Caves of Mak'ala, its latest host Kalzara now laid to rest, and its mission finally complete. (DIS: "Jinaal")


Background information[]

Going by Data's statement that the energy ribbon from Star Trek Generations passes through the Milky Way Galaxy every 39.1 years, it can be expected to return in 3112, 3151, and 3190.

32nd century productions[]

External link[]