The Alshain were a technologically advanced humanoid species native to the planet Alshain IV.

Several Alshain prepare to fly with wings composed of butterflies
The Alshain possessed light blue skin, white hair, and blue eyes, and had a series of raised lines on their faces. They lived in close association with a species of bioluminescent butterfly, which they could summon to form masks and wings that enabled them to fly. While in the air, they relied upon their planet's magnetic field to navigate, akin to Earth birds. Alshain communicated non-verbally among themselves. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")
In the late 29th century, the magnetic poles of Alshain IV began to shift, which would have impaired the Alshain's ability to navigate during flight. To compensate, the Alshain constructed an array of geomagnetic compensator satellites in orbit.
In the decades leading to the Burn in the mid-31st century, relations between the Alshain and the United Federation of Planets became increasingly strained. After the Burn, the Alshain ran out of dilithium and could no longer power their geomagnetic compensators.
In 3190, the Federation starship USS Discovery was dispatched to Alshain IV to renew diplomatic relations and broach the possibility of future resource and technology sharing. To foster trust, Captain Michael Burnham and Cleveland Booker offered the Alshain a gift of dilithium. However, Emperor Lee'U was skeptical, and a series of misunderstandings regarding Grudge caused him and his entourage to attack. While fleeing, Burnham realized that the Alshain were having difficulty flying and had her crew restore the geomagnetic compensator array. She and Booker then left Lee'U the dilithium gift and departed. Lee'U subsequently contacted the Discovery to inquire why they had given their dilithium despite their hostile reception; Burnham replied that such was the nature of the Federation, and added that they would respond if more assistance was needed. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")
Later that year, Emperor Lee'U attended the Multilateral DMA Strategy Assembly. (DIS: "...But to Connect")
Society and culture[]
The Alshain were led by an emperor. They were offended by the presence of carnivores and the idea of imprisoning a monarch. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")
- Named
- Unnamed
- Unnamed Alshains