Unnamed Federation starships (23rd century)
List of unnamed Federation starships in service during the 23rd century.
By assignment[]
Charlie's transport []
Charlie's transport was a ship that suffered a crash landing on the planet Thasus circa 2252. Losing his parents in the crash, Charles Evans was the sole survivor. It was equipped with microtapes and enough food concentrates to last approximately a year, according to Spock.
When Doctor Leonard McCoy expressed doubt in 2266 that the ship's food supplies would have lasted fourteen years, Charlie claimed to have found food "growing around" on the planet`s surface after the ship's supply was exhausted, and that he learned to talk by listening and responding to the ship's memory banks. (TOS: "Charlie X")
This transport was only mentioned in dialogue.
Coleman's starship []
Doctor Arthur Coleman was removed as chief medical officer of this ship for "administrative incompetence" and "flagrant medical blunders". In 2269, Leonard McCoy mentioned this fact to "James T. Kirk" while explaining why he felt "Janice Lester" should not have been placed in Coleman's care rather than his. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder")
This starship was only mentioned in dialogue.
Garth's starship(s) []
Fleet Captain Garth of Izar was a starship commanding officer in the mid 23rd century. His starship was involved in many important historical actions. (TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy")
Garth's ship (or ships) were never identified by name or design, but it was referenced that he was in command of some type of vessel on multiple occasions. It is not known how many ships he commanded, as he might have commanded a different vessel in each event.
Garth commanded his vessel to victory at Axanar some time prior to James Kirk's completion of Starfleet Academy. While Garth was a military hero at Axanar, Cadet Kirk was given the Palm Leaf of Axanar Peace Mission. (TOS: "Court Martial")
Garth ordered his starship's crew to destroy a sovereign, populated planet. They refused his order, and he was institutionalized at Elba II.
Since this event would seem to be more than a decade after Axanar, it is not known if Garth would have been on a different ship at this point. The novel Garth of Izar identified Garth's ship as the USS Heisenberg (β), and states the ship's first and second officer were vaporized with a phaser by Garth before he was subdued.
Scott's ships []
Over the course of his fifty-one year career, Captain Montgomery Scott had served aboard the USS Stardiver, both USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise-A, in addition to eight other freighters, cruisers, and starships. (TNG: "Relics")
He also served as an engineering advisor on a freighting-line vessel on "a couple" trips from Deneva to the system's outer asteroid belt. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")
These ships were only mentioned in dialogue.
Taylor's science vessel []
In 2286, Doctor Gillian Taylor, a transplanted 20th century whale biologist, was assigned to this science vessel shortly after her arrival to the 23rd century, in order to "catch-up on the past three hundred years". (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
This science vessel was only mentioned in dialogue. It is unclear if this was a starship or an ocean-going ship.
Wesley's ships[]
As the cosmic cloud approached the Federation colony Mantilles, Governor Bob Wesley ordered the evacuation of the place's children, who subsequently boarded these ships. These ships departed from the planet as the cloud approached. Upon the conclusion of an agreement between the cloud and the crew of the USS Enterprise, where it was agreed the cloud would not consume the planet, the ships were recalled. (TAS: "One of Our Planets Is Missing")
These ships were only mentioned in dialogue.
Winston's trading vessel[]
By mission[]
Altair VI inauguration ceremony []
These two starships, along with the USS Enterprise, were expected to attend the inauguration ceremony for Altair VI's new president in 2267. (TOS: "Amok Time")
These two starships were only mentioned in dialogue.
According to the 29 May 1967 draft of the script, these two vessels were identified as the Excalibur and Endeavor.
Beta Capricus expedition []
In 2210, this starship participated in mission to Beta Capricus, under the command of Harry Kim's "uncle" Jack. The long range deep-space exploration vessel was designed to be operated by a single pilot while the rest of the crew was held in stasis.
After departing Earth's orbit their starship took six months to reach its destination. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Earth researchers, there was no star at Beta Capricus. What was believed to be a star was in fact just an electromagnetic echo of a distant galaxy.
Left with little alternative, Jack was forced to turn the ship around and make the trip all the way back to Earth, deciding not to wake the crew. Upon the vessel's return from its year long voyage, the wakened crew was confused that they had apparently not yet left orbit. (VOY: "11:59")
This starship was only mentioned in dialogue.
This was the second reference made to post-21st century starship's employing stasis technology for crew's traveling distant voyages. Previously in "The Thaw", Captain Kathryn Janeway had indicated that "years ago, Starfleet used a technology to assist deep space travel that kept the body in stasis, but provided a mental landscape to keep the mind active and alert."
Corvan II relief[]
In 2256, this starship was 84 hours away from Corvan II at the time the colony was attacked by Klingon Birds-of-Prey. (DIS: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry")
This starship was only mentioned in dialogue.
Enterprise tow ships[]

Two tow ships
These two Federation tugs towed the badly damaged USS Enterprise to spacedock for repairs in 2257. (DIS: "Brother")
Gamma Trianguli VI scout ship []
In 2267, this scout ship reported some "pretty strange" sensor readings from Gamma Trianguli VI to Starfleet Command. In response to the finding, Command ordered the USS Enterprise to the planet. (TOS: "The Apple")
This scout ship was only mentioned in dialogue.
Ingraham B vessel []
Eight months prior to the USS Enterprise's stopover at Deneva colony, the infestation with flying parasites began when a vessel from Ingraham B was diverted to Deneva by the crew of the ship, who were under the control of the parasites at the time. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")
This starship was only mentioned in dialogue.
Research vessel investigating red bursts[]
After USS Discovery was led to an interstellar asteroid by a red burst, this research vessel was detailed to scan for subspace readings. The findings were unexpected, as for a brief window, the signal appeared to have left behind a trail of tachyon radiation. (DIS: "Saints of Imperfection")
Section 31 vessels[]
- See: Section 31 starships
Sherman's Planet freighter[]
After it was discovered that a shipment of quadrotriticale had been poisoned on Deep Space Station K-7, Starfleet diverted this freighter, with its cargo of the grain, to Sherman's Planet. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
Starbase 1 docked starship []

Starship docked at Starbase 1
This starship was a docked inside Starbase 1 in 2260 when the USS Enterprise, USS Farragut, and USS Archer were docked at the outer ring. (SNW: "The Broken Circle")
This ship was the same design and bore the same registry number as the Broken Circle ship NCC-1279, a ship later shown in the same episode that was said to be of an unique and unidentifiable design, therefore making this appearance a continuity error. Closer observation learned that it almost certainly is the same CGI model, inserted in the shot upside-down, as the last four digits of the registry are readable on the nearest nacelle, albeit in an upturned orientation. This was presumably done consciously at Jason Zimmerman's visual effects department as a cost/time-saving measure in order to expediently beef out the scene by giving the impression that it concerned a different starship class.
Starbase 1 (alternate reality) docked starships[]

Starships at Starbase 1
In the alternate reality in 2258, nine starships docked at Starbase 1, along with the USS Enterprise and USS Armstrong, prepared to respond to a distress call from Vulcan. Those ships included three Mayflower-type starships and two Newton-type starships. (Star Trek)
Systems-wide failure []
This starship experienced a systems-wide technological failure in 2287. (TNG: "Evolution")
This ship was only mentioned in dialogue.
The Star Trek Chronology, 1st ed., pp. 75-76 speculates that the reference made by Data stating "there has not been a system-wide technological failure on a starship in seventy-nine years," may have been in reference to the failure of the transwarp drive aboard the USS Excelsior.
Tarsus IV supply ships []
In 2246, these supply ships were responsible for saving the colony on Tarsus IV. They were earlier than expected in saving the colony, but were too late to save the 4,000 people Kodos had murdered in his attempt to save the colony from starvation. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")
Taurean system transport[]
This ship, with an all-women crew, picked up the female members of Theela's species from the second planet in the Taurean system and transported them to a suitable planet. (TAS: "The Lorelei Signal")
This ship was only mentioned in dialogue.
Yorktown docked starships []
In the alternate reality of 2263, two starships were present at Starbase Yorktown shipyard when the USS Enterprise-A was being constructed. The first was entering the shipyard, while the second was docked. (Star Trek Beyond)
The first ship was briefly seen in the montage, passing from left to right behind the Enterprise-A.
The second ship was briefly seen in the background, behind the Enterprise-A.