

Lieutenant Arav was an Osnullus Starfleet sciences division officer who served aboard the USS Discovery in the mid-23rd and late 32nd centuries.

Starfleet career[]

23rd century[]

With the rank of ensign, Arav served on the bridge of the USS Discovery during a battle simulation. (DIS: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry")

In November 2256, Arav was speaking to a fellow female officer in the corridor outside Cadet Sylvia Tilly's quarters when Saru offered Michael Burnham blueberries. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")

Arav was again serving on the bridge in 2257. (DIS: "Brother", "New Eden", "Point of Light", "The Sound of Thunder", "Light and Shadows", "If Memory Serves", "Project Daedalus", "The Red Angel")

After Airiam's death, Arav attended her funeral. (DIS: "The Red Angel")

When Michael Burnham decided to take the Discovery forward in time to the 32nd century, with no chance of return, Arav was among those who volunteered to accompany her and leave behind her former life. (DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow", "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2")

32nd century[]

Arav was on the bridge when the Discovery was found by Michael Burnham at The Colony (DIS: "Far From Home") and later when the ship visited Earth and was boarded by United Earth Defense Force inspectors (DIS: "People of Earth") and when it arrived at the 32nd century Starfleet headquarters. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Arav continued to serve on the Discovery during the Dark Matter Anomaly crisis in 3190 and the search for Progenitor technology in 3191, promoted to the rank of lieutenant. (DIS: "All Is Possible", "Red Directive")



Background information[]

Arav is usually played by background actress Avaah Blackwell, who received no credit for her appearances. [1] In scenes with more than one Osnullus on screen, one of them was usually played by Kayso Wong. [2] [3]

While the character's gender has not been confirmed on screen, Arav has been referred to as female by the actress and by startrek.com. [4] [5](X)

While the character appeared in all seasons of Star Trek: Discovery, Arav's name was first revealed only in Season 5's episode "Jinaal".