The Argelians were a humanoid species from the planet Argelius II in the Beta Quadrant. Some Argelians distinguished themselves by the street they lived on.
Outwardly identical to Humans, the Argelian race was known for its hedonistic, peace-loving nature. Their way of life was acquired after undergoing a period in Argelian history known as the Great Awakening, which occurred around the 2060s, which fundamentally reformed their society from violent to placid.
Since the Great Awakening, the Argelians adopted a pacifist way of life, deploring any form of violence. Some Argelians possessed psychic powers, but it was not a common characteristic to their race. This pleasure-loving culture made it necessary to import administrative officials from other worlds to maintain order. Their lifestyle and clothing, along with the architecture of their buildings, was akin to that of Middle Eastern countries on Earth.
This pacifist philosophy almost resulted in a planetary judicial crisis when in 2267 three murders were committed, a crime for which the punishment would have been death by slow torture due to laws from before the Awakening. Fortunately, the Argelians did not have to execute anyone as the murderer turned out to be the non-humanoid lifeform, Redjac. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")
After Elim Garak blew up his tailor shop on Deep Space 9 in 2371, Odo mentioned to Garak that Quark had expressed an interest in opening an Argelian massage facility in the space formerly inhabited by the shop. Garak remarked that he doubted Commander Sisko would approve of such an "interesting" establishment on the Promenade. (DS9: "The Die is Cast")
- Named
- Unnamed
External links[]
- Argelian at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works