For a similar term, please see cease fire.

Osyraa's proposed armistice between the Emerald Chain and the Federation
An armistice was a formal agreement for the cessation of hostilities between two warring parties, prior to a formal peace treaty.
In 2257, an armistice was formed between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. (DIS: "Brother")
In 2367, an armistice was arranged between the Federation and the Cardassian Union. The Federation negotiator was Captain Edward Jellico. One of the terms of the armistice was that the Cardassians relinquished their claims to territories bordering their space. The final status of those territories was discussed in the negotiations for the Federation-Cardassian Treaty. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part I")
That same year, there were armistice talks between Bajor and the Cardassian Union. Issues discussed in the talks included the lawful status of property seized by the Cardassians during the Occupation of Bajor and payment of war reparations to Bajor. (DS9: "Life Support")
An armistice ended the war between the Manchovites and their opponents prior to 2373. (DS9: "Business as Usual")
Proposed armistice between Emerald Chain and the Federation[]
In 3189, Osyraa offered Admiral Charles Vance an armistice between the Emerald Chain and the Federation, though they were unable to come to mutually agreeable terms for its adoption. (DIS: "There Is A Tide...")
- Galactic Armistice between Emerald Chain and the United Federation of Planets
- Stardate 29141429.1
- Federation Standard language version.
- Agreement between the negotiating representatives of the Emerald Chain on the one hand, and the Commander in Chief, Starfleet Command, representing the President of the United Federation of Planets on the other hand, concerning a galactic armistice and the official opening of a diplomatic and economic relationship.
- Preamble
- The undersigned, the negotiating representatives of the Emerald Chain on the one hand, and the Commander in Chief, Starfleet Command, representing the President of the United Federation of Planets on the other hand, in the interest of stopping the Alpha/Beta Quadrant conflict before it escalates to a declared war, with its great toll of suffering and bloodshed on both sides, and with the objective of establishing an armistice which will insure a complete cessation of hostilities and of all acts of armed force in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants until a final peaceful settlement is achieved, do individually, collectively, and mutually agree to accept and to be bound and governed by the conditions and terms of armistice set forth in the following Articles and Paragraphs, which said conditions and terms are intended to be purely peacekeeping in character and to pertain solely to the states in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
- ...Interference Directives
- the progress and development of pre-warp travel capable civilizations, as practiced by Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets as... the prime directive shall be adopted and implemented by all member worlds, sectors, signatory companies, organizations, foundations, and...
- Article I
- ...of Emerald Chain Contributing Worlds