
Self-repair or auto-repair was a feature of some technology that enabled damage to be repaired by the device itself, without the need for external intervention.

Romulan drone ships, introduced in 2154, were designed to self-repair as they had no crew. (ENT: "United")

Exocomps were equipped with a self-repair program that allowed them to remedy damage to their interface circuitry. (TNG: "The Quality of Life")

The shield array of the California-class starship was capable of auto-repair, which was regulated by an isolinear core. (LD: "Terminal Provocations")

The Kaplan F17 Patrol Frigate, originating from an alternate timeline, was equipped with self-repair systems. (PIC: "Watcher")

Borg technology possessed extensive self-repair functionality, which was termed "regeneration". Using the combined resources of the Collective, Borg vessels could quickly repair even major structural destruction. Most of the implants within the bodies of Borg drones could also regenerate, with some exceptions such as the cortical node. (TNG: "Q Who"; VOY: "The Raven", "Dark Frontier", "Imperfection")