Unnamed Starfleet personnel (24th century)
List of unnamed 24th century Starfleet personnel.
'aucdet IX medical technician []

A technician
This medical technician was stationed at the Federation Medical Collection Station on 'aucdet IX in 2365, and was working at a computer terminal while his CO, Lieutenant Commander Hester Dealt, spoke with Captain Jean-Luc Picard aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Child")
Antwerp conference attendees[]
AR-558 officers []
These crewmembers were stationed on the planet AR-558 during the Dominion War in 2375. They were ordered to defend the communication array on the planet and lost over one hundred of their crewmembers against the Jem'Hadar. (DS9: "The Siege of AR-558")
All crewmembers were played by background and stunt performers who received no credit for their appearance.
Aries captain []
This captain served as the commanding officer of the USS Aries until 2365, when they retired. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor")
This captain was only mentioned in dialogue.
Bajor's admission ceremony flag officers []
These flag officers attended the abortive ceremony meant to admit Bajor into the Federation in 2373.
During Admiral Charlie Whatley's opening statements, he joked that "Welcoming a new planet to the Federation is the happiest assignment an admiral can hope for. Maybe that's why so many of us showed up."
Moments later, several of them showed concern when Benjamin Sisko entered the wardroom and collapsed after warning Bajor not to continue. (DS9: "Rapture")
The group setting that these officers appear in was described in the script notes as: "Five Starfleet Admirals in dress uniforms and two Federation Civilians, sit across from the Bajoran delegation, which consists of two Vedeks and three Government Ministers. The room is a buzz with excitement..."
Based on previous dialog, one of the two female admirals were likely named Colti, and likewise, any one of the lower ranked admirals were named Veta.
Ba'ku survey team[]
Crewman #1 []

Duck blind crewman #1
This sciences division crewman served as an assistant to Lieutenant Curtis on the planet Ba'ku in 2375. He was one of the Starfleet officers present in the duck blind headquarters that was discovered by Data. He was also part of the group that was held as "hostages" by the Ba'ku. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
According to Woods' resumé, this role was named Lieutenant Commander Grey. [1]
Crewman #2 []

Duck blind crewman #2
This crewman was part of the survey team on the planet Ba'ku in 2375. She was working on an aft station in the duck blind headquarters shortly before Data discovered it. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
This crewman was played by extra Lorella Cuccarini, who received no credit for her appearance.
Crewman #3 []

Duck blind crewman #3
This command division crewman was part of the survey team on the planet Ba'ku in 2375. She was in the duck blind headquarters when it was discovered by Data. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
Crewman #4 []

Duck blind crewman #4
This operations division crewman was part of the survey team on the planet Ba'ku in 2375. He was in the duck blind headquarters when it was discovered by Data. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
He was played by extra Shepard Ross, who received no credit for his appearance.
Crewman #5 []

Duck blind crewman #5
This command division crewman was part of the survey team on the planet Ba'ku in 2375. She was in the duck blind headquarters when it was discovered by Data. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
Bonestell Recreation Facility customers[]
- See: Bonestell Recreation Facility visitors (2327)
- See: Bonestell Recreation Facility visitors (2381)
Cardassian border conflict away team []
This away team was tasked with defending a Federation outpost under attack by Cardassians. It consisted of then-Lieutenant Kathryn Janeway, a commanding officer, and an ensign, among others. They had been fighting the same Cardassians for three days when they heard a moaning sound and realized it was a wounded enemy combatant. The commanding officer, hearing the man's suffering, ordered Janeway and an ensign to bring him to their camp. They did so, and the man lived. They also managed to secure the outpost three days later. Starfleet Command decorated them all for their actions.
In 2374, Janeway told Seven of Nine this story to illustrate that having compassion on your enemies was part of being Human. (VOY: "Prey")
These officers were only mentioned in dialogue.
Chakotay's first captain []
This captain was the commanding officer of a Federation starship assigned to make first contact with the Tarkannans. The ship was also Chakotay's first assignment out of Starfleet Academy.
In the prelude to the scheduled first contact, Chakotay envied the captain's role in the endeavor to the extent that he pestered the captain, before being allowed to join the diplomatic team. (VOY: "Innocence")
Command Conference afterparty attendees []
These officers – consisting mostly of "famous admirals", and the commanding and first officers of a number of capital ships – attended the Command Conference afterparty in 2381, along with Captains John Anderson, Elizabeth Shelby, and Exley, as well as Admiral Parker.
One Human male captain, whom Brad Boimler thought was addressing him, addressed a Human female admiral whom he had not seen "since Centauri IV."
Later, another Human male captain was speaking with Anderson at the top of the stair when Captain Carol Freeman attempted to get Anderson's attention from the bottom of the stairs. Anderson ignored Freeman and walked off. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")
Captain who was once previously at Centauri IV
Voiced by Paul Scheer
The appearance of Shelby's number one was based on the original proposed design for the character of Saru on Star Trek: Discovery. According to Discovery writer Carlos Cisco, it was originally planned for the alien statue heads in DIS: "Under the Twin Moons" to be of this design, but plans were changed following its inclusion in Lower Decks. [2][3]
Commander []
(PIC: "Remembrance")
This character was played by Matt Freeman.
Constantinople officer []
This officer aboard the USS Constantinople sent a mayday that was received by the USS Enterprise-D near Gravesworld in 2365.
According to his broken message, "Mayday! Mayday! This is the USS ... –questing emergency assistance. The outer hull is breached and environmental systems compromised. Need assistance." (TNG: "The Schizoid Man")
This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover. It was performed by an unknown actor.
The dialog portion of the script described it as a "Man's Com Voice". However, according to the notes in the unrevised final draft (when the ship was still described as the Mary Rogers), the cast section described this voice-over as the "captain of the Mary Rogers". Provided the intent of who the original character was remained unchanged, this may have been the voice of Captain Richard James.
Docent's grandmother's admiral neighbor []
This admiral was a neighbor of Ron Docent's grandmother. Docent used his "connection" to this admiral as leverage to get D'Vana Tendi and Sam Rutherford transferred to the USS Vancouver. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")
This admiral was only mentioned in dialogue.
Eddington's starbase brig security officers []
These two security officers served at the starbase where Michael Eddington was incarcerated in 2373. During Captain Benjamin Sisko's visit to the station that year, one stood guard while the other operated the force field of the station's brig. (DS9: "Blaze of Glory")
Equicon officers []

Transfer of personnel order
These three officers – a commander, a lieutenant commander, and one other – were scheduled for transfer from their ship, the USS Equicon, to a new assignment prior to stardate 41547.2. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
These officers were only mentioned in writing.
Their full names were illegible in the order.
Female ensign []
Benjamin Sisko recalled a story about Curzon Dax in which Curzon assigned him to take care of "VIP guests". According to Sisko, he "graduated" from those assignments after he hit one of the guests during "a simple misunderstanding over [the VIP's] attempt to coax a young female ensign to his quarters against her will." (DS9: "The Forsaken")
This ensign was only mentioned in dialogue.
Female junior lieutenant []
This female junior lieutenant attended a reception held for Captain Stadius aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369. According to Julian Bashir, who flirted with her, she was a poor substitute for Jadzia Dax. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Female lieutenant []
This female lieutenant worked in the command and sciences divisions of Starfleet in the 2370s. As part of the command division, she served aboard the USS Bellerophon in 2375, where she attended a banquet held in the mess hall while the starship was on its way to Romulus. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")
The same year she transferred aboard the USS Enterprise-E. Dressed in her Starfleet dress uniform she attended the banquet held for the Evora delegation. She walked past Captain Jean-Luc Picard in a corridor to the location and later walked behind Jae. During the fire fight with the Son'a later at the Briar Patch, she worked on the bridge. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
In 2379, she was assigned to the sciences division and attended the wedding ceremony of Deanna Troi and William T. Riker in Alaska on Earth. (Star Trek Nemesis)
This female Starfleet officer was played by background actress Wanda Roth, who received no credit for her appearances.
Female operations division officer []

A photo of a female operations officer
This female operations division officer wearing an unknown type of Starfleet uniform was seen in a photo at the Transporter Facility maintained by Chief Petty Officer Carlton Dennis. (LD: "Grounded")
Fleet honorees []
In addition to Naomi Wildman, several Starfleet personnel, including fourteen honorable mentions, were listed in an article in Fleet magazine, as part of a "30 under 30" list, including a list of honorable mentions. (LD: "Dos Cerritos")
These honorees were only mentioned in writing and dialogue.
Hanson's aide []

A female Starfleet officer
This female command division officer brought Admiral J.P. Hanson reports on PADDs during his communication with the Enterprise-D in 2367. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")
This Starfleet officer was played by an unknown actress whose face was not seen in the episode.
Janeway dress-down witness admirals []
These three admirals were witness to Tuvok's chastisement of Kathryn Janeway at their first meeting, in which the Vulcan reprimanded her for "failing to observe proper tactical procedures during my first command," causing her embarrassment at the time. (VOY: "Revulsion")
These admirals were only mentioned in dialogue.
In The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, this encounter occurs aboard the USS Al-Batani, when the unnamed admirals and Tuvok transport aboard to be ferried to Betazed, though Ensign Janeway didn't perform the proper security check given the short notice.
Lalo captain []
This captain experienced the Manheim Effect while commanding the freighter USS Lalo, describing it as a hiccup in their 2364 communication with the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Legion of Honor Admiral []
Jean-Luc Picard received a certificate for the Legion of Honor signed by this admiral and a Starfleet secretary. The certificate was stored in Picard's section of the quantum archive at the Starfleet Archive Museum. (PIC: "Remembrance")
Legion of Honor Secretary []
Jean-Luc Picard received a certificate for the Legion of Honor signed by an admiral and this Starfleet secretary. The certificate was stored in Picard's section of the quantum archive at the Starfleet Archive Museum. (PIC: "Remembrance")
Manitoba Andorian personnel []
When Ensign Jennifer Sh'reyan revealed her pending transfer to the USS Manitoba to Lieutenant jg Beckett Mariner, the former stated that "[she] couldn't turn it down", as the ship's crew contained numerous Andorian officers. (LD: "The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel")
Matte Fringe officers []

Order granting security clearance to Matte Fringe officers
These six officers – three commanders and three lieutenant commanders – of the starship USS Matte Fringe were granted security clearance to a project by Starfleet Mission Operations in 2364. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
These officers were only mentioned in writing.
These officers' names were illegible.
Milika III away team []
Jean-Luc Picard led an away team to Milika III to rescue an ambassador. According to Q, this incident was a notable moment in Picard's career.
In an alternate timeline in which Picard took fewer risks, he didn't lead this away team. (TNG: "Tapestry")
This away team was only mentioned in dialogue.
This may have taken place on the USS Stargazer prior to Picard's taking command, or another starship entirely.
Mission order admiral []
In 2366, this Starfleet Command admiral sent a mission order, about making contact with Gomtuu, to the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Tin Man")
This character was only mentioned in writing.
The name of this admiral was illegible.
Nebula-class captain []
In an alternate timeline of 2372, this male Starfleet captain was in command of a Nebula-class starship which was in pursuit of Harry Kim and Tom Paris aboard the USS Yellowstone runabout. The captain ordered Kim and Paris over com to stand down. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")
Officers in Data's memory []

Two Starfleet officers
This two Starfleet officers – one from the command division, the other from the sciences division – appeared in an image from one of Lieutenant Commander Data's memory during a psychotronic stability examination in 2365. The two can be seen kissing. (TNG: "The Schizoid Man")
Picard's afterlife voices []
These voices of Starfleet officers spoke to Captain Jean-Luc Picard during his afterlife experience with Q in 2369. A female voice asked him "Why Jean-Luc? Why did you do it?" and another female voice said "Captain, there are still people down there. We can't abandon." A male voice said "There must be some other way captain, some other choice than firing on us." and another male voice said "Lieutenant Picard to the bridge". According to Q, Picard was responsible for their deaths during his career. (TNG: "Tapestry")
Four voices can be identified, two female and two male. They were provided by unknown performers.
Prometheus boarding party []
These two Starfleet security officers were beamed aboard the USS Prometheus in 2374 after a trio of Romulan D'deridex-class warbirds was defeated to retake the ship from Romulan hands. Armed with compression phaser rifles they were directly beamed on the bridge where they were greeted by the EMH Mark II and The Doctor; they were greeted by the latter: "Welcome to the Prometheus, gentlemen. It's about time." They boarded from either the Akira-class starship or one of the two Defiant-class escorts that were sent to retrieve the Prometheus. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
Ransom's former commanding officer []
This one time commanding officer was from Honolulu, Hawaii on Earth.
As an ensign, Jack Ransom claimed to also be from Hawaii in order to rub shoulders with this person. (LD: "wej Duj")
This former commanding officer was only mentioned in dialogue.
Rogers' foster parents []
Amanda Rogers' adoptive parents served as her guardians after her biological mother and father were killed by a tornado while living in Topeka, Kansas. They served in Starfleet as marine biologists. (TNG: "True Q")
These officers were only mentioned in dialogue.
Runabout crew 1 []
These two command officers, one a Napean lieutenant, piloted the Starfleet runabout that rescued Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler, along with the evil computer AGIMUS, from a gravity well planet that were stranded on. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")
Runabout crew 2 []
These two ensigns arrived aboard a runabout to rescue Gavin from the wayward Phoenix. (LD: "Grounded")
Security officers []
These two Starfleet officers traveled to New Orleans in 2372 to perform a blood screening on Joseph Sisko. Sisko, who refused to do this, was up to be arrested. Joseph's grandson, Jake Sisko, contacted Benjamin Sisko, who immediately appeared. The head officer, a lieutenant jg, explained that he was just following Sisko's orders. Joseph became angry and told these two "vampires" to sit down and take a menu or leave his restaurant. (DS9: "Homefront")
Sisko's transport captain []
This Starfleet captain commanded a starship, which transported Benjamin Sisko and his son, Jake, to Deep Space 9 in 2369. (DS9: "Emissary")
This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.
Space station officer []

This officer served aboard a space station located near the orbit of Earth and Luna in 2381. He and his co-worker, Ensign Gary, noted and reported the theft of the USS Cerritos from a nearby dry dock. (LD: "Grounded")
Starbase 179 officer []
This communications officer stationed at Starbase 179 responded to Commander William T. Riker's hail, announcing the arrival of the USS Enterprise-D and request for the transfer of several Officer Exchange Program participants. When Data gave the mark to begin transfer, this base officer acknowledged the transfer order. (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor")
This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.
This officer was identified in the script as a "Starbase Com Voice", and was portrayed by an unknown actress.
Starbase 234 rear admiral []

A rear admiral
This rear admiral accompanied Fleet Admiral Shanthi aboard the USS Enterprise-D from Starbase 234 to discuss matters pertaining to the Klingon Civil War in early 2368. (TNG: "Redemption II")
This rear admiral was played by Hal Donahue, who received no credit for his appearance.
Starfleet Justices []
These three senior officers served as Justices for Starfleet during the late 24th century. While the Vulcan and the Andorian both held the rank of fleet admiral, the Tellarite had no rank insignia, but wore a variant of his colleagues' uniform with gold-edged shoulder pads.
In 2384, the three judges presided over the case of Rok-Tahk, Dal R'El, Gwyndala, Jankom Pog, Zero, and Murf after the group saved the Federation but violated several Starfleet regulations in the process. Eventually, after Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway passionately pleaded their case, the charges were dropped and the youngsters were allowed to join Starfleet as Warrant officers in training under her command. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")
Starfleet Mission Operations admiral []

Order sent by the admiral
This admiral worked at Starfleet Mission Operations in 2364. In that year, they sent an order to Captains Cari L. Thomas and Darryl Oja, instructing them to modify their surveys of Sector 450. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
This admiral was only mentioned in writing.
The character's full name was illegible. There name contains Ce Lca <<unknown>> Eat
Starfleet Security officers 1 []
These three Starfleet Security officers arrived aboard the USS Cerritos with Commander Mandel. Following the arrest of Captain Carol Freeman for the destruction of Big Strong City, they escorted her from the Cerritos to another ship return her to Earth. (LD: "First First Contact") They were later joined by four more officers, who appeared in a photograph revealing Freeman's arrest. (LD: "Grounded")
Starfleet Security officers 2 []
These Starfleet Security ensigns arrived aboard the stolen USS Cerritos from two Federation attack fighters. (LD: "Grounded")
Starfleet special forces[]
Tellarite helmsman[]
- See: Unnamed Tellarites
Transport captain []
This Starfleet captain transported the Federation Ambassadors Taxco, Vadosia, Lojal, and Lwaxana Troi to Deep Space 9 in 2369.
According to Taxco, Vadosia was bothering the captain every hour with new suggestions on how to run his ship. According to Vadosia, the captain welcomed his suggestions. (DS9: "The Forsaken")
This captain was only mentioned in dialogue.
Transport pilot []

A transport pilot
This male ensign contacted the USS Enterprise-D in 2365, and informed them that he transported a VIP guest aboard his transport. He was then interrupted by his VIP guest, Lwaxana Troi of Betazed. (TNG: "Manhunt")
Tulgana IV[]
Uhnari's former commanding officer []
This commanding officer oversaw personnel on Deriben V, including Aquiel Uhnari. In 2369, he described her to William T. Riker as " argumentative, quick to take offense". He transferred her to Relay Station 47 to get her out of their way. This lent credibility to the possibility of Uhnari having murdered Keith Rocha, her co-worker at the relay station. (TNG: "Aquiel")
This CO was only mentioned in dialogue.
Venture captain []
The captain of the USS Venture was a friend of Benjamin Sisko.
In 2372, he commanded the Venture to Deep Space 9 after it was attacked by the Klingon Empire. Sisko later offered to contact the captain to see if he could find Worf a position on the Venture. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
This captain was only mentioned in dialogue.
Vigo's father []
Jason Vigo's father was responsible for impregnating Miranda Vigo.
As of 2370, all Jason knew was that he had been in Starfleet prior to 2347. (TNG: "Bloodlines")
This father was only mentioned in dialogue.
Vulcan admiral []
This Vulcan admiral decorated Jadzia Dax following her first assignment.
She began to tell Kira Nerys about the presentation ceremony while under the influence of the energy matrix from the Saltah'na energy spheres in 2369 until Kira interrupted her. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")
This Vulcan was only mentioned in dialogue.
Vulcan museum guard []

A distracted museum guard
This guard was stationed at the Vulcan museum in 2380. On stardate 57791.1 of that year, he was distracted by Ensign Sam Rutherford, who was attempting to perform a fan dance. (LD: "Veritas")
Vulcan officers []
These two Vulcan officers visited Sisko's Creole Kitchen on Earth in 2375, when Benjamin Sisko returned from the hospital after an assassin attacked him. (DS9: "Image in the Sand")
Vulcan scientist []
This Vulcan scientist served at Starfleet Headquarters in the mid-2380s.
In 2384, the scientist reported to Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway on the wormhole to the future that was opened by the destruction of the USS Protostar and the distress call from Chakotay that had been recieved through it. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")
In 2385, he witnessed the rift being opened in the sky over Earth for Asencia's attack on the Federation. (PRO: "Ouroboros, Part I")
Following the Attack on Mars, he was in attendance for Admiral Edward Jellico's announcement about the change in policy as a result of the attack. (PRO: "Ouroboros, Part II")
Wedding band []
These eight members of Starfleet attended the wedding of William Riker and Deanna Troi in Alaska in 2379. They served as the wedding band, and played the music for Data during his performance of "Blue Skies" by Irving Berlin. (Star Trek Nemesis)
Wedding guests []
These Starfleet officers – both in the command division – attended the wedding of Deanna Troi and William T. Riker in Alaska on Earth in 2379. (Star Trek Nemesis)
Both actors received no credit for their appearance.
Yar's former commanding officer []
The commanding officer of Natasha Yar's assignment during the early 2360s also responded to a distress call from colonists in the Carnelian minefield. Fellow Captain Jean-Luc Picard was impressed with how Yar handled herself during the mission, and requested she be transferred to the USS Enterprise-D when he took command of the vessel, as her ship's captain owed Picard a favor. (TNG: "Legacy")
This captain was only mentioned in dialogue.
The following articles also have entries on unnamed Starfleet personnel:
- Ajilon Prime personnel
- Division 14 personnel
- Illusory Starfleet personnel
- Relva VII inhabitants
- Section 31 personnel
- Unnamed Starfleet Academy personnel
- Unnamed Starfleet Headquarters personnel
- Unnamed Starfleet Intelligence personnel
- Unnamed USS Carlsbad personnel
- Unnamed USS Cerritos personnel
- Unnamed USS Dauntless personnel
- Unnamed USS Defiant (NX-74205) / Unnamed Deep Space 9 personnel
- Unnamed USS Enterprise-D personnel
- Unnamed USS Hera personnel
- Unnamed USS Horatio personnel
- Unnamed USS Lakota personnel
- Unnamed USS Lexington personnel
- USS Pasteur personnel
- Unnamed USS Pegasus personnel
- Unnamed USS Saratoga personnel
- Unnamed USS Tripoli personnel
- Unnamed SS Tsiolkovsky personnel
- Unnamed USS Voyager personnel
- Unnamed USS Wellington personnel
- Unnamed USS Zhukov personnel
Starfleet personnel |
Named Starfleet personnel: 22nd century • mirror universe • 23rd century • alternate reality • 24th century • 25th century • 26th century • 29th century • 32nd century |
Unnamed Starfleet personnel: Unknown era • 22nd century • mirror universe • 23rd century • alternate reality • 24th century • 25th century • 26th century • 29th century • 32nd century |