
The Janeway family sitting on a park bench
A bench was a piece of furniture used a seat for sitting on. Benches could be found indoors or outdoors.
The colonists of the SS Conestoga made photographs of themselves, some of them were sitting on benches in front of buildings. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

A bench in the Vulcan monastery
The Vulcan monastery at P'Jem features benches in its doorway and atrium. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

An Akaali bench
The Akaali also used benches placed in their streets in a city on their homeworld. (ENT: "Civilization")

Ransom sitting on a park bench on Apergos
The infirmary aboard the Earth Cargo Service freighter ECS Fortunate was equipped with several metallic benches. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
There was an elm tree surrounded by a circular bench near the parade grounds at Starfleet Academy which Jean-Luc Picard and Simon Tarses both favored during their time there. Cadet Picard spent many hours studying there, while an enlisted Tarses watched the drills and imagined being an officer. (TNG: "The Drumhead")
In 2369, Geordi La Forge described a flat platform from his memories as resembling a bench or a table. (TNG: "Schisms")
In the holographic re-creation of a farmyard aboard the Caretaker's array, a bench was part of the simulation and the place where the Caretaker was confronted by Captain Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay shortly before he transported them back aboard the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Caretaker")
The Species 8472 recreation of the Starfleet Academy grounds on the Terrasphere 8 featured several benches. (VOY: "In the Flesh")
In 2381, there was a park bench located at a public space on Apergos. Commander Jack Ransom sat on this bench while waiting for the Apergosian High Leader to choose his planet's subspace communication number. (LD: "Strange Energies")
See also[]
- Judge's bench
- Bench (law)