Bounty hunter

Billups posing as a bounty hunter
A bounty hunter was an individual who hunted criminals or fugitives for a bounty, usually money. Starfleet's policy was not to negotiate with bounty hunters. (PIC: "Disengage")
Ramurans employed a kind of bounty hunter called tracers to track down people who tried to leave their world. (VOY: "Unforgettable")
The Hazari of the Delta Quadrant worked as bounty hunters, who prided themselves on honoring their contracts. (VOY: "Think Tank")
In the mid-22nd century, two bounty hunters, Skalaar and Kago, independently sought to capture Jonathan Archer to turn him over to the Klingons for a reward. (ENT: "Bounty")
In the mid-23rd century, several bounty hunters attempted to capture Harcourt Fenton Mudd and turn him over to Starfleet. One of them was the Tellarite Tevrin Krit, who only managed to capture an android copy of Mudd though. (ST: "The Escape Artist")
After Joret Dal, a Cardassian, provided the Federation with military information about the Cardassians in 2370, he had to return to Cardassian space. The plan required the help of Ensign Sito Jaxa, who was disguised as a Bajoran terrorist to let Joret Dal look like a bounty hunter. (TNG: "Lower Decks")
In 2381, Lieutenant Commander Andy Billups posed as a bounty hunter during an away mission on New Axton as part of a ruse devised by Captain Carol Freeman, who knew the local attitude towards Starfleet was negative. Freeman duped an information broker into selling information on the location of Nick Locarno's hangar to Billups rather than the rest of the away team, who were in uniform, or a genuine bounty hunter, who likely would not have cooperated with Starfleet. (LD: "The Inner Fight")
In 2401, Vadic claimed to be a bounty hunter when demanding that the crew of the USS Titan surrender Jack Crusher to her. However, both Seven of Nine and Beverly Crusher observed that her vessel was far too formidable to belong to a bounty hunter. (PIC: "Disengage", "Seventeen Seconds")
External links[]
- Bounty hunter at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
- Bounty hunter at Wikipedia