
CSS Zin Kibaru

Alternate timeline

(covers information from an alternate timeline)

CSS Zin Kibaru (NCC-93161) was a Kaplan F17 Patrol Frigate that served the Confederation of Earth during the early 25th century.

In 2401, the Zin Kibaru and several other Patrol Frigates were involved in an attack on Vulcan forces in orbit of Vulcan. (PIC: "Penance")

This ship's name was revealed on Instagram by Dave Blass. [1]

Kaplan F17 starships
SS La Sirena
CSS AhuizotlCSS CetusCSS CharybdisCSS HydraCSS KappaCSS La SirenaCSS MakaraCSS ScyllaCSS SelkieCSS Zin Kibaru