

Catulla was an inhabited planet in the Alpha or Beta Quadrant. This was the homeworld for the Catullans, a warp-capable humanoid species.

In 2269, Catulla and the Federation were engaged in treaty negotiations. On stardate 5832, the negotiation period had reached a critical phase, but was threaten to be impacted by the actions of the son of the Catullan ambassador to the Federation, Tongo Rad. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")


Background information[]

This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 124, the planet applied for Federation membership in 2269. The name of the planet is also spelled "Catualla," as it was in closed captioning.

According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets I"; "United Federation of Planets II"), in 2378, Catulla was a Federation member. The Catulla (Theta Pictoris) system was located in the Beta Quadrant. The system's primary was a G-class star.


According to The Worlds of the Federation, Catulla was the sixth planet in the Theta Pictoris system and the Catullans referred to their world as Cendo-Prae.

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