

Mozart concert ensign

A cello

The cello was an Earth musical instrument, bigger than a viola and smaller than a double bass. It was a member of the violin family.

A cello, a viola, and two violins formed a string quartet. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command")

A cello was part of the string quartet hallucinated by a crewmember of the USS Enterprise-D when the Traveler brought the ship and crew to the end of the universe. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before")

One of the musicians at the Mozart concert held for Ambassador Sarek and his wife Perrin played the cello. (TNG: "Sarek")

Miles O'Brien's father wanted him to be a musician, specifically a cello player. O'Brien's father made him practice every day, until he "got to be pretty good." When O'Brien was seventeen, his father sent a recorded audition to the Aldeberan Music Academy, and O'Brien was accepted to the school. Unhappy with the prospect, O'Brien went into town two days before he was due to leave and signed up for Starfleet instead. (DS9: "Shadowplay") While serving aboard the USS Enterprise-D O'Brien would occasionally play cello with his fellow crew in Ten Forward. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command")

Ensign Cheney was another crew member aboard the Enterprise-D who played the cello. She performed Chopin's Trio in G minor in Ten Forward with Data at the violin and Nella Daren at the piano. (TNG: "Lessons")

Kasha Tal was the first host of the Tal symbiont to learn to play cello, influencing Gray Tal and later Adira Tal to pick up. (DIS: "Forget Me Not", "The Sanctuary")

String instruments
CelloDouble bassEsrajSarangiViolaViolin
Appalachian dulcimerBalalaikaBanjoClassical guitarDouble guitarGuitarHarpKitharaKlingon guitarLuteLyreMandolinSpanish guitarVulcan lute

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