
Charles Vance

"The safety and security of whatever's left of the Federation must take priority over everything else."

Charles Vance, 3189 ("Die Trying")

Fleet Admiral Charles Vance was a 32nd century and 33rd century Human Starfleet officer. From the 3180s into the 33rd century, he served as commander in chief of Starfleet.

Early life[]

During his younger years, Vance never listened to advice despite being green and inexperienced and would make a lot of bad calls. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Eventually, Vance married his wife and the two had a daughter, Charlie. Vance's wife and daughter lived at Federation Headquarters for a time before Vance realized that it was too dangerous for them to live there. Vance stayed on the station, while his wife and daughter left for parts unknown. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2", "Under the Twin Moons")

Starfleet career[]

Emerald Chain threat[]

Vance met with the crew of the USS Discovery soon after they emerged in the year 3189. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Shortly thereafter, he met with Captains Bandra, L'Teis Kardashev, Rahma and Saru and handled out assignments. He tasked Bandra and the USS Le Guin with the two month supply run to Na'Seth, Kardashev with supplying shields to Reilling VII as they were dealing with solar flares, and Rahma with resupplying Kaijur XII with Replicator replacement technology as they were experiencing a food shortage.

After the USS Cuyahoga returned to Federation Headquarters, he ordered his chief of security, Lieutenant Audrey Willa, to commence a baryon sweep after the crew had cleared the ship.

Upon Michael Burnham's return from her rogue mission to rescue Cleveland Booker, he left it to Captain Saru to decide what disciplinary actions she would face. Vance stated that had she asked for his permission first, he might very well have given it due to the intelligence that was gained. (DIS: "Scavengers")

When presented with Burnham and Sylvia Tilly's new findings about the Burn, he informed Burnham and Saru that the data they required to verify their findings could only be obtained from Ni'Var, the planet formerly known as Vulcan. He also informed them that Ni'Var was now home to both the Vulcans and Romulans, but had seceded from the United Federation of Planets as they believed the Federation had pushed them into developing dilithium replacement technology which had ultimately been the cause of the Burn itself. Vance decided to send Burnham as the Federation's representative to Ni'Var due to her relationship with her late brother, Ambassador Spock. He saw her as the only person who could re-open negotiations with Ni'Var. Vance sent a message to Ni'Var telling them of Discovery's spore drive, its jump to the future and Spock's sister. (DIS: "Unification III")

Following Discovery's mission to Ni'Var, Vance agreed to allow Discovery to take Booker back to his homeworld of Kwejian and for its crew to act as observers. When a cure for Emperor Phillippa Georgiou's condition was found on Dannus V, Vance allowed Discovery to take her there to help. Following Georgiou's departure, Vance spoke with Saru about allowing Booker to use Emerald Chain technology aboard Discovery and cautioned him about Osyraa's desperation for dilithium. He also saw that Saru was distracted by the KSF Khi'eth's Kelpien crew. Vance was then informed by Saru and Burnham about Theta Zeta as a planet made of dilithium and being ground zero for the burn. He asked if the survivor of the Khi'eth could have been involved. Saru did not believe so. Vance also said that several Chain ships were conducting military exercises near Kaminar and that he had to send part of the fleet to Saru's homeworld. Vance said that the fleet would protect Kaminar, and ordered Saru to find the survivor. (DIS: "The Sanctuary", "Terra Firma, Part 1", "Terra Firma, Part 2", "Su'Kal")

Vance was forced into negotiations when Minister Osyraa hijacked the Discovery and got through Federation Headquarters' distortion field. Vance was given permission by the Federation President to conduct the negotiations with Osyraa. Vance was surprised when Osyraa offered an armistice between the Federation and the Chain that would bring peace between their organizations. However, Vance rejected the armistice due to the fact that the Emerald Chain's representative would merely be a puppet for Osyraa and she would not stand trial for her actions. Upon Osyraa's return to Discovery, Vance ordered the USS Voyager-J and the fleet to open fire on Discovery to prevent Osyraa from escaping. Vance also ordered Paul Stamets, despite his objections, to the Foresight to prevent Osyraa from using Discovery's spore drive. (DIS: "There Is A Tide...")

Vance was then informed that Ni'Var had sent a fleet to assist. He was then contacted by Osyraa and Burnham, who asked Vance to let them go. Vance was hesitant at first but went along with Burnham's request. He then sent the Federation and Ni'Var fleet to pursue Discovery to Base 755. Following the destruction of the Viridian, Vance met with Aditya Sahil and gave him a commission as a lieutenant. He also promoted Burnham, on his and Saru's recommendation, to Captain of Discovery. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")

Species 10-C threat[]

In 3190, Vance was reunited with his wife and daughter for the unveiling of Archer Spacedock. He gave them a tour. Vance then sent Discovery to render aid in response to Deep Space Repair Beta Six's distress call. He also allowed President Laira Rillak to accompany Discovery's crew on the mission. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")

Shorly after the destruction of Kwejian, Vance offered command of the USS Sojourner to Captain Saru who had returned to Starfleet but then he turned Vance down. (DIS: "Anomaly (DIS)")

Vance then authorized a joint mission between the Qowat Milat under Dr. Gabrielle Burnham and an away team under Captain Burnham to apprehend rogue Qowat Milat sister J'Vini for the murder of USS Credence's XO, Commander Patrick Fickett. Upon J'Vini's surrender to Captain Burnham and Doctor Burnham, Vance supported Rillak's choice to extradite J'Vini back to Ni'Var. (DIS: "Choose to Live")

Admiral Vance would later task Doctor Kovich with a time-sensitive assignment regarding the artificial intelligence Zora. (DIS: "...But to Connect")

When the DMA threatened United Earth and Titan and Ni'Var, Vance brought Federation Headquarters and all of the ships that he could muster to evacuate the planets while using Headquarters' shields to buy Earth more time. Vance eventually ordered the crew to abandon ship to the USS Mitchell and all of the ships to leave while Vance himself remained behind to give the ships as much time as he could. Vance was joined by Sylvia Tilly and the two shared a drink while they waited for the end, discussing their lives and regrets, particularly Vance's regret that he wasn't there for his daughter more. Tilly reassured Vance that his daughter loved him and the two watched in amazement as the DMA disappeared, Discovery's first contact mission having been successful.

In the aftermath, Vance joined the crew in celebrating and began spending more time with his family. (DIS: "Coming Home")

Search for the Progenitors' technology[]

In 3191, Vance brought Burnham to the Infinity Room on Doctor Kovich's request so as to brief her about a Red Directive mission, one that was so top secret that even Vance as the commander in chief of Starfleet wasn't allowed to know all of the details. Vance and security later caught Tilly hacking into the Federation database to access the data on the mission. Equally frustrated with all of the secrecy, Vance chose to cover for Tilly and join her in accessing a distress call from Dr. Vellek about an important and dangerous technology that he had found. Vance later approved of Burnham appointing Commander Rayner, an old friend of his who was being forced into early retirement, as her new first officer replacing Saru who was leaving Starfleet to become a Federation ambassador. (DIS: "Red Directive", "Under the Twin Moons")

After Moll and L'ak were captured by the USS Locherer, Vance sent Commander Nhan and a Federation Security team to provide backup. Upon Discovery's arrival at Federation Headquarters, Vance personally beamed aboard the ship to reveal that a Breen dreadnaught was on its way to collect the couple. Due to the security risks of Moll and L'ak falling into Breen hands, Vance wanted Discovery to take them and run while he bought them time, but Burnham convinced Vance to face the Breen instead. Vance joined Burnham and President T'Rina in negotiating with Primarch Ruhn which was ruined by L'ak's death of an accidental tricordrazine overdose during a failed escape attempt. The Federation was forced to reluctantly hand over Moll to Ruhn and engage in a race to the Progenitors' technology with the Breen. (DIS: "Erigah")

After Ruhn's death at Moll's hands, Primarch Tahal chased after his dreadnaught with her entire fleet to claim Ruhn's forces for herself. Although Vance mobilized every ship in the sector to intercept her, most wouldn't make it in time. Vance objected to Saru's strategy of disabling his shuttle's weapons to engage in diplomacy with Tahal as a means of stalling her after catching up using the new pathway drive. Although Vance was reluctant to order Nhan to take Saru on a possible suicide mission, she volunteered as Discovery's crew was both of their family and Vance conceded, stating that the Federation was counting on both of them. After finding the technology, Burnham decided to cast the portal to it into a black hole, believing that it would be too dangerous for anyone or any culture to have, a decision that Burnham was sure Vance and Rillak would agree with her on. (DIS: "Lagrange Point", "Life, Itself")

Several weeks later, Vance attended Saru and T'Rina's wedding and congratulated the newlyweds. (DIS: "Life, Itself")

Later career[]

Vance remained active in his position for decades more well into the early 33rd century , meeting with Leto before he went to pick up now-Admiral Burnham for Discovery's new Red Directive mission. (DIS: "Life, Itself")

Alternate timelines and realities[]

In an alternate timeline where the USS Discovery wasn't rescued from the time cycling in time, the Progenitor technology came into the possession of the Breen, who used it to stage a devastating attack on the Federation just a few weeks after Discovery's rescue. Everyone was killed and Federation Headquarters was destroyed. (DIS: "Face the Strange")



Michael Burnham[]

Upon first meeting Commander Michael Burnham, Vance was often frustrated with her attitude and rogue way of doing things, preferring to focus on the present than figuring out the Burn. After Burnham went rogue, Vance berated her for her actions, although he admitted that he might've approved the mission if she had simply asked him. Vance left her punishment up to Saru who demoted Burnham from her position as first officer for her actions. (DIS: "Scavengers")

Nevertheless, Vance supported Burnham's efforts to find more answers from Ni'Var, informing her about the state of things there and suggesting that Burnham's status as Spock's sister could be the opening that she needed. Vance saw Burnham as the only one capable of reopening relations with Ni'Var and reached out to them for her. (DIS: "Unification III")

When Osyraa took over Discovery, Burnham urged Vance to trust the crew and let them go which he reluctantly did. Afterwards, with the truth about the Burn revealed and the Federation rebuilding itself, an amazed Vance told Burnham that she may not have done things the right way, but her way worked too. Burnham had wrestled with how to be, with what this time required of them, and in the process, she had challenged Vance to do the same. Vance then promoted Burnham to Captain of Discovery. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2") Following this, Vance often came to rely on Burnham, particularly during the Dark Matter Anomaly crisis.

After the Dark Matter Anomaly crisis was resolved, Vance joined Burnham and her crew in celebrating. (DIS: "Coming Home")

Following the capture of Moll and L'ak, Vance tried to get Burnham to take the pair and run when the Breen were coming, gently rebuking her for speaking out of turn but otherwise willing to hear her out. Along with T'Rina and Rayner, they worked together to solve the crisis at hand. (DIS: "Erigah")

Sylvia Tilly[]

Although the two didn't have much interactions at first, Tilly and Vance developed something of a friendship while defending Earth from the Dark Matter Anomaly. Having stayed behind to cover the evacuation ships, the two shared a drink and personal stories with each other as they waited for what appeared to be the end, only to have Discovery convince Species 10-C to stop just in time. (DIS: "Coming Home")

Months later, although Vance caught Tilly hacking the Federation database, his own frustrations with the situation caused Vance to help her instead of arresting Tilly. (DIS: "Red Directive")


Vance and Rayner shared a thirty year friendship with each other. In 3191, Vance was forced to ask his old friend to accept early retirement due to his lack of perspective and willingness to take questionable actions while pursing criminals on an away mission. Such actions could have resulted in substantial loss of life. However, Burnham chose Rayner as her first officer instead which Vance approved. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")

Ailments and injuries[]

During the negotiations between Ni'var and the Federation, Vance had mysteriously fallen ill with a Malindian stomach worm. Although Captains Saru and Burnham believed it to be a ruse. (DIS: "All Is Possible")

Memorable quotes[]

"The safety and security of whatever's left of the Federation must take priority over everything else."

- Charles Vance to Saru and Michael Burnham (DIS: "Die Trying")

"I never listened to advice when I was green, but take it from an old salt who's made a lot of bad calls in his day. A crew member is drowning. If we let her, then your crew will never look at you, or the Federation the same way again. And you will never look at yourself the same way either."

- Vance, to Saru (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

"The past is the only light with which we can see the future."

- Charles Vance to Osyraa (DIS: "There Is A Tide...")



Background information[]

Charles Vance was played by Oded Fehr.

External link[]