

Checkmate was the winning position in chess. In this situation, the opponent's king was under attack with no means of escape.

In 2265, during a chess game, with James T. Kirk's next move, Spock would be in position to checkmate Kirk's king. However, Kirk did a move which saved his king. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

In 2266, when giving a recommendation to James T. Kirk about their situation of being caught in a tractor beam and facing destruction from the Fesarius, Spock said, "In chess, when one is outmatched, the game is over. Checkmate." (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

Types: Jokarian chessThree-dimensional chessVulcan chess
Equipment: Chess boardChess pieces (KingQueenRookBishopKnightPawn)
Terminology: CheckCheckmateChess masterChess tournamentStalemate
Strategy: Aldabren Exchangeel-Mitra ExchangeKriskov GambitQueen's Gambit
Related: Chess problem

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