
Chess master

Spock and Charlie play chess

Playing with the chess master

A chess master was someone who was particularly adept at playing the game of chess or three-dimensional chess.

In 2266, James T. Kirk introduced Spock to Charlie Evans as "our chess master". (TOS: "Charlie X")

In 2269, Kirk decided to attempt to obtain the ryetalyn that Flint had hidden behind a door, saying "let's not disappoint the chess master". This referred to Flint himself, who seemed to be playing games with the landing party. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah")

Types: Jokarian chessThree-dimensional chessVulcan chess
Equipment: Chess boardChess pieces (KingQueenRookBishopKnightPawn)
Terminology: CheckCheckmateChess masterChess tournamentStalemate
Strategy: Aldabren Exchangeel-Mitra ExchangeKriskov GambitQueen's Gambit
Related: Chess problem

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