
Colony Alpha 5

Colony Alpha 5 (also called Colony 5 or Earth colony 5) was an Earth colony administered by a governor. The colony was located somewhere in the Alpha or Beta Quadrant.

In 2266, the USS Enterprise set course for Colony 5 with the intention of taking Charles Evans, a young man who had been stranded on the planet Thasus for seventeen years, to be reunited with his closest living relatives there. However, when it was discovered that Charlie had dangerous psychokinetic powers, which he selfishly used without regard for the well-being of others, it became evident that it was too dangerous to take Charlie there.

Fortunately, the Thasians, who had taken care of Charlie, had given him his powers so that he could survive on their inhospitable world, arrived while the Enterprise was en route, and took Charlie back to Thasus, where he would no longer be a danger to others. (TOS: "Charlie X")

This colony was only mentioned in dialogue.

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