
Colony ship

SS Conestoga 2

A particular type of colony ship

In starship classification, colony ships or colony transport ships were spacecraft, especially starships, designed to transport colonists and equipment to new worlds.

Early Human colony ships were nuclear powered. These ships were used to colonize the solar system. (ENT: "Borderland") This was likely during Earth's pre-warp era. A typical colony ship was unarmed and may have been dismantled at its destination in order to provide an initial material base for the construction of further colony installations.

By the 24th century, colony transport ships often carried dedicated personnel shuttles. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command") Regular transport ships were also used to ferry settlers, as did the Erewon-class personnel transport. (TNG: "The Schizoid Man"; DS9: "Paradise")

Colony ships are also used in the video game Star Trek: Armada II.

Colony ships by race[]

Starship types
attack vesselattack fighterbattle cruiserbattleshipbird-of-preycarrier vesselcolony shipcombat cruisercorsaircorvettecruiserdestroyerdiplomatic vesseldreadnoughtescort vesselexploration vesselflagshipfreighterfrigategarbage scowgeo-terraforming vesselheavy cruiserholding vesselinterceptorlight cruisermedical shipmilitary vesselmining vesselpatrol shippilot vesselprison shipraiderreconnaissance shiprobot shiprunaboutscience vesselscout shipstar cruiserstarlinerstarshipsupply shipsupport shipsurvey shiptankertimeshiptrading vesseltraining shiptransport shiptroop transporttugwarbirdwarship

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