Landing site

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Akaali landing site

The landing site on the Akaali homeworld

A landing site was a site in a landing zone where there were one or more landing points for a spacecraft or for individuals beamed down from a spacecraft to a celestial body's surface. A landing site where a spacecraft had crashed was called a crash site or, in some rare cases, an emergency landing site.

In 2151, a landing site near the Terra Nova colony was chosen for the landing party to investigate the fate of the colony. During the second landing on the planet, Shuttlepod 1 crashed below the surface a few meters deep into a cave. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

Also in 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer and Sub-commander T'Pol decided a farm outside of the city on the Akaali homeworld as landing site for Shuttlepod 1 to minimize the risk of cultural contamination. (ENT: "Civilization")

Not long after, T'Pol suggested an area near one of the two poles on the surface of Archer's Comet as landing site because this area was out of direct sunlight and the surface ice more stable. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

In 3189, the crash site of the KSF Khi'eth was located by the USS Discovery two hundred kilometers inside the Verubin Nebula, on Theta Zeta. (DIS: "Su'Kal")

See also[]