
Daniels' database

Future database

The database

Daniels' database was a holographic database left by Crewman Daniels aboard the starship Enterprise NX-01 in the 2150s.

According to Malcolm Reed, the database contained "schematics on half a dozen different Klingon ships." (ENT: "Shockwave")

In 2152, Captain Jonathan Archer and T'Pol used this database to determine the origin of an Earth vessel from the 31st century. (ENT: "Future Tense")


The database included information on:

Holographic display[]

"Black hole's wild ride through the Milky Way"


Columbia (OV-102) payload bay

Columbia memorial message

Columbia memorial message

Jake Tapper article on the 2003 State of the Union Address

Tapper article text (continued)

Tapper article text (continued)

Class 1 probe

Krenim warship

Ambassador-class primary hull



An alien vessel

An alien vessel

An alien vessel

An alien vessel

An alien vessel

An alien vessel

An alien vessel

An alien vessel

Triglobulin harvester's starship

A 31st century Earth vessel

A future Vulcan cruiser


The "Black hole's wild ride through the Milky Way" graphic seen in "Future Tense" was taken from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope newsroom. [1]

Jake Tapper's article on the 2003 State of the Union Address was taken from a contemporary news source. [2]

See also[]