Delta radiation

Christopher Pike being affected by critical levels of radiation
Delta radiation was a highly energetic release of electromagnetic particles which could be extremely dangerous with prolonged exposure. Delta radiation could be created by the warp cores of Federation starships and some natural astronomical phenomena. Exposure to intense delta radiation could lead to cellular disruption and weaken metals such as viterium. (ENT: "Daedalus"; DS9: "Valiant")
In 2153, Commander Tucker and Doctor Phlox determined that the organic power cells in Xindi-Reptilian rifles could be neutralized by delta radiation, raising the possibility of using portable EM emitters to disable the Xindi weapons. (ENT: "The Shipment")

Cumulative effects of exposure to delta rays
In the mirror universe, ISS Enterprise's warp core produced dangerous amounts of delta rays, causing noticeable disfigurement to Chief Engineer Charles Tucker III. Tucker noted that for every year of exposure to the warp core, one lost ten years off one's life expectancy. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
In 2266, Fleet Captain Christopher Pike was on an inspection tour of a cadet vessel, an old class J starship, when one of the baffle plates ruptured and caused a radiation leak. Pike went in and managed to bring out all the cadets who were still alive but was badly affected by delta rays himself and left permanently crippled. One of the cadets who was killed was Maat Al-Salah. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I"; DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows"; SNW: "A Quality of Mercy")
In an alternate timeline, Pike, having been forewarned of his fate by a Boreth time crystal, avoided the accident. Spock told a time traveling Pike from 2259 that in this timeline, no one was even hurt in the accident. As a result, Pike was still the captain of the USS Enterprise six months later during the Neutral Zone Incursion. (SNW: "A Quality of Mercy")
In 2369, Doctor Julian Bashir exposed a sample of the aphasia virus, grown on triagar solution, to a delta ray field at 120 millivolts. (DS9: "Babel")
The same year while on a rescue mission for the runabout USS Yangtzee Kiang, Jadzia Dax noted that the data from the long range sensors might be inaccurate because of an abnormal level of delta radiation from the star in a binary star system. (DS9: "Battle Lines")
Ensign Jenna also suffered from exposure to delta radiation and was taken to The Farm for treatment. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")