Unnamed USS Discovery personnel
List of unnamed USS Discovery personnel.
Alien sciences officer 1 []

An alien sciences officer
This female sciences officer with teal-colored hair was in the mess hall when Michael Burnham and the other prisoners first came on the Discovery, and later when Burnham and Sylvia Tilly first met Ash Tyler. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings", "Choose Your Pain", "Lethe", "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad", "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum")
She was present in the mess hall when Admiral Katrina Cornwell announced the plan to attack the Klingon homeworld. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within")
Alien sciences officer 2 []

An alien sciences officer
This male alien sciences officer with large, segmented ears passed Saru and Michael Burnham in the corridor as Saru was offering Burnham blueberries. He was later in the mess hall as Saru watched the prison shuttle leave and when Burnham and Sylvia Tilly first met Ash Tyler. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings", DIS: "Lethe")
During a party, he danced with a female member of the crew. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
He was working in engineering when the spore drive was activated and Paul Stamets became catatonic. (DIS: "Into the Forest I Go")
He was present in the mess hall when Admiral Katrina Cornwell announced the plan to attack the Klingon homeworld. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within")
His distinctive ears are not unlike those of the Tiburonians.
Black badge crewman[]
- See: Section 31 personnel
Bridge crew []
Played by Pamela Mars (DIS: "The Sound of Thunder", "Through the Valley of Shadows", "Such Sweet Sorrow", "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2", "Far From Home", "People of Earth", "Forget Me Not", "Die Trying", "The Sanctuary", "Su'Kal")
Chief engineer []
Commander Jett Reno told Paul Stamets and Sylvia Tilly that the chief engineer instructed her to firewall off the critical propulsion systems. (DIS: "An Obol for Charon")
This chief engineer was only mentioned in dialogue.
As far as it is understood, this character has not appeared in the series.
Chief medical officer []
Doctor Hugh Culber told Paul Stamets he was going to assist the chief medical officer with an Andorian tonsillectomy. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain")
This chief medical officer was only mentioned in dialogue.
As far as it is understood, this character has not appeared in the series. It is possible that the commander in medical uniform, played by Jason Deline, seen in "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" in the shuttlebay was the CMO.
Detmer's date []

Detmer's date
This male Human crewmember flirted with Keyla Detmer during a party held in 2256. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
This crewmember was played by Nick Stojanovic, who was not credited for the role.
Human crewman 1 []

This Human crewmember was killed in cold blood by Harcourt Fenton Mudd in one outcome of the time loop in late-2256. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
Human crewman 2 []

This Human crewmember was on the bridge when his console exploded while searching for Paul Stamets and Hugh Culber. (DIS: "Saints of Imperfection")
Human deck crew []
These two crewmembers left the shuttlebay of Discovery when Michael Burnham and Ash Tyler entered to watch the Gormagander beamed aboard. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
The two actors are listed as "Deck Crew #1" and "Deck Crew #2" in the end credits of the episode.
Human engineer []
This female Human engineer served on the Discovery in 2257. She spoke French through the intercom when the universal translator malfunctioned. (DIS: "New Eden", "An Obol for Charon")
This character only appeared as an off-screen voiceover. She was voiced by Hélène Cardona, who received no credit for her role.
Human engineer #2 []

An engineer
This Human engineer served on the Discovery in 2257. He was working in engineering when Sylvia Tilly was trapped in the mycelial network. (DIS: "Saints of Imperfection")
He stayed with the Discovery when the ship traveled to the 32nd century and served on board in 3189. (DIS: "Far From Home", "People of Earth", "Forget Me Not", "Unification III", "Terra Firma, Part 1", "Su'Kal", "That Hope Is You, Part 2")
He was working in a corridor and later in engineering when the Discovery was trapped in parasitic ice on The Colony. (DIS: "Far From Home")
He was present in the transporter room when Michael Burnham was reunited with her crewmates. (DIS: "People of Earth")
Later, he was having lunch at the mess hall, sharing a table with two other crewmembers, and being observed by Doctor Hugh Culber. (DIS: "Forget Me Not")
He was working on a corridor when he was passed by Saru and Cleveland Booker. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")
He was working on the bridge when Osyraa invaded and took control of the ship. He was taken into custody by Osyraa's regulators. (DIS: "Su'Kal")
He sat at the operations station on the bridge when the newly-promoted Captain Michael Burnham took over command. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")
In 3190, he ate lunch at the mess hall and played a board game with Linus and other crewmembers during Discovery's visit to Ni'Var. (DIS: "All Is Possible")
This engineer was played by J. Adam Huggins, who was not credited for the role.
Human engineer #3 []

An engineer
This Human engineer served on the Discovery in 2257. That year, he passed Captain Christopher Pike and Michael Burnham on a corridor soon after Admiral Katrina Cornwell arrived on board. (DIS: "Project Daedalus")
He stayed with the Discovery when the ship traveled to the 32nd century and served on board in 3189.
He was performing repairs in a corridor when the ship was trapped in parasitic ice on The Colony. (DIS: "Far From Home")
Shortly before the Discovery visited the Trill homeworld, he had lunch in the mess hall, sitting at a table with Linus, while being observed by Doctor Hugh Culber. (DIS: "Forget Me Not")
He was working in main engineering when Paul Stamets and other senior staff members expressed their support for Sylvia Tilly to accept the postition of acting first officer. (DIS: "Unification III")
He was working in engineering when the Discovery visited the Kwejian homeworld. (DIS: "The Sanctuary")
He was again working in engineering when Osyraa invaded the ship. He and his fellow engineers were taken captive by Osyraa's regulators. (DIS: "Su'Kal")
This engineer was played by John Mucciacito, who was not credited for the role.
Human engineering technicians []
These two engineering technicians passed Harry Mudd on a corridor. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
The first technician was eating in the mess hall when Admiral Katrina Cornwell boarded the vessel and later when the Discovery visited Boreth, both in 2257. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within", "Through the Valley of Shadows") He was working on the bridge when the Discovery visited Terralysium earlier the same year. (DIS: "New Eden") Later the same year, he was present at Airiam's funeral. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
He stayed with the Discovery when the ship traveled to the 32nd century and served on board in 3189. He was eating at the mess hall when the ship visited Earth and was boarded by a team of inspectors. Shortly before the ship visited the Trill homeworld, he again had lunch at the mess hall, sharing a table with two other crewmembers, observed by Doctor Hugh Culber. He was later present on a corridor when the Discovery visited the Kwejian homeworld. (DIS: "People of Earth", "Forget Me Not", "The Sanctuary")
Human funeral attendees []
These crewmembers attended the funeral of Lieutenant commander Airiam in 2257. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
Among these crewmembers there were four individuals of the Osnullus species and at least four different Tellarites.
Human joggers []
Two jogging crewmembers crossed the path of Michael Burnham and Ash Tyler on a corridor, shortly before Harry Mudd's attack. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
Human medical officer 1 []

A medical crewman
This medical crewman served on board Discovery in 2256 and 2257. (DIS: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry", "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum", "Vaulting Ambition")
This medical crewman was played by Marco Perretta who received no credit for his appearances.
Human medical officer 2 []

A medical crewmember
This female medical crewmember served on the Discovery from 2256.
She tended Paul Stamets in sickbay, assisting Doctor Hugh Culber, soon after the Discovery arrived to the mirror universe. (DIS: "Despite Yourself")
Later, she oversaw the condition of Stamets, while he was trapped in the mycelial network. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")
In 2257, she was working in sickbay when the landing party returned from the wreckage of the USS Hiawatha, and when the Discovery encountered the Sphere. (DIS: "Brother", "An Obol for Charon"). Later the same year, she was present at Airiam's funeral. (DIS: "The Red Angel") She worked in sickbay when Jett Reno was treated there by Culber. (DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows")
She stayed with the Discovery when the ship traveled into the 32nd century. In 3189, she was present in the cargo bay during the screening of the film Sherlock Jr., and later during a crew assembly when the ship found Federation Headquarters. She was working in sickbay when Cleveland Booker was treated there, later the same year. (DIS: "Forget Me Not", "Die Trying", "Su'Kal")
Along with Culber, Tracy Pollard and other medical staff, she helped the survivors of Deep Space Repair Beta Six station in 3190. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")
This medical crewmember was played by Shelley Owens, who received no credit for her appearances.
Human medical officer 3 []

A medical crewmember
This male medical crewmember also served on the Discovery from 2256.
He was present in sickbay when Paul Stamets was treated there during the Corvan II rescue operation, and when Saru was treated there after returning from Pahvo. (DIS: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry", "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum")
He oversaw the condition of Paul Stamets, while he was trapped in the mycelial network. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")
Human medical officer 4 []

A medical crewmember
This female medical crewmember served on the Discovery in 2256.
She was present in sickbay when Paul Stamets was treated there during the Corvan II rescue operation. (DIS: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry")
She encountered Harry Mudd on a corridor when Mudd boarded the ship later the same year. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
Human medical officer 5 []

A medical technician
This medical technician performed the data erase on Lieutenant Commander Airiam following her death in 2257. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
Human medical officer 6 []

A medical crewman
This sciences division officer passed Hugh Culber in the mess hall when he was talking to an alien crewman. (DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows")
Human medical lieutenant jg []

A CTP trainee aboard Discovery.
This female medical officer, with the rank of lieutenant junior grade, was accepted into the Command Training Program aboard the Discovery and participated in a shipboard half marathon in 2257 with Sylvia Tilly, Albert Kim and Andre Haynes, finishing second with a time of 09:14:25 after Tilly took a last minute lead. She was absent from Bridge shadow exercises the trainees participated in later that day. (DIS: "Point of Light")
She was among the crewmembers who volunteered to stay on board the Discovery and accompany Burnham when she took the ship forward to the 32nd century to elude Control, with no chance to return. Along with Doctor Tracy Pollard, she was on duty in sickbay helping the injured during the Battle near Xahea. (DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2")
This officer was played by Kyana Teresa and was not credited for her first appearance.
This trainee's name was not quite visible on Saru's PADD of marathon times, though her last name starts with an "L."
Human medical commander []

A medical officer
This medical officer was present in the shuttlebay aboard Discovery when a Gormagander was beamed aboard. He held the rank of commander.
During at least one iteration of the time loop caused by Harry Mudd, he was vaporized by Mudd using an unspecified energy weapon. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
Human nurse []

A nurse
This nurse ordered class 4 casualties in sickbay and class 3 in the corridor. (DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2")
Human sciences crewmember []

A sciences crewmember
This female sciences crewmember served on the USS Shenzhou in 2256 and survived the Battle of the Binary Stars. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello", "Battle at the Binary Stars")
She later transferred to the USS Discovery. She worked on the bridge when the Discovery met the USS Enterprise to pick up Captain Christopher Pike and when the ship encountered Sarek's cruiser, in 2257. (DIS: "Brother", "Point of Light")
The same year she served on the bridge when the Discovery investigated a temporal distortion near Kaminar and when Admiral Katrina Cornwell arrived on board to interrogate Spock. (DIS: "Light and Shadows", "Project Daedalus")
She was present at Airiam's funeral in the same year. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
She stayed with the ship when it traveled to the 32nd century, and continued serving on board in 3189 and 3190. (DIS: "Forget Me Not", "Die Trying", "Anomaly (DIS)", "All In")
This sciences crewmember was played by Andrea Gallo, who received no credit for her appearances.
Human sciences crewmember 2[]

A sciences crewmember
This sciences crewmember served on the Discovery in 2257, when she was present at Airiam's funeral. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
She stayed with the Discovery when the ship traveled to the 32nd century and served on board in 3189. (DIS: "Forget Me Not", "Die Trying")
This sciences crewmember was played by Gloria Belle, who received no credit for her appearances.
Human sciences crewmember 3 []

A sciences crewmember
This sciences crewmember stayed with the Discovery when the ship traveled to the 32nd century and served on board in 3189 and 3190. (DIS: "Far From Home", "People of Earth", "Forget Me Not", "Die Trying", "All Is Possible", "Stormy Weather", "All In")
This sciences crewmember was played by Jayne Dineo, who received no credit for her appearances.
Human sciences officer []

A crewman
This male Human sciences officer used a hoverchair, having been wounded in a battle with the Klingons. Ash Tyler made a toast to those who were injured in the war during a party on the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
He was passing the newly arrived team from USS Enterprise in a corridor when they prepared for an away mission, this time in a wheelchair. He later passed Lt. Commander Paul Stamets. (DIS: "Brother")
He was present, in the front row, at the funeral of Lt. Commander Airiam. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
The wounded crewman was played by disabled actor George Alevizos. He received no credit for his appearances.
Human security guard 1 []

A security guard
This security guard was present in the shuttlebay when the Gormagander was brought on board. She was killed by Harry Mudd in one outcome of the time loop caused by him. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
Human security guard 2 []

An operations crewmember
This operations crewmember served on the Discovery from 2256. He served as a security guard and was summoned to engineering when Paul Stamets injected himself with the tardigrade DNA and dropped unconscious. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain")
He served as relief helmsman on the bridge when Harry Mudd invaded the ship. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad")
Again as a security guard, he took Ash Tyler into custody after the ship crossed into the mirror universe. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")
He worked on the bridge when the Discovery returned to the prime universe and Admiral Katrina Cornwell boarded the ship. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within")
He was present in the mess hall when Airiam, Sylvia Tilly and Joann Owosekun had a conversation there sometime prior to Airiam's death, in 2257. (DIS: "Project Daedalus")
He stayed with the Discovery when the ship traveled to the 32nd century, and served on board in 3189. (DIS: "Forget Me Not", "Die Trying")
This crewmember was played by Daniel Montlouis who received no credit for his appearances.
Human security guard 3 []

A security guard
This security guard escorted the prisoners from SPT 21 when they were taken on board the Discovery, and later joined Ellen Landry and other security guards to eat in the mess hall. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")
After the Discovery crossed over to the mirror universe, she was equipped with a Terran uniform and badges. (DIS: "Despite Yourself") Later, she took Ash Tyler into custody. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")
Human shuttle pilot []

A shuttle pilot
This male Human dhuttle pilot transported Captain Lorca and was assaulted by Klingons. He was killed in the ensuing struggle. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain")
Human transporter officer []

Transporter technician
This Human male lieutenant served as a transporter technician aboard the Discovery.
He operated the transporter when Michael Burnham and Ash Tyler infiltrated the Sarcophagus. (DIS: "Into the Forest I Go")
He also operated the transporter when Michael Burnham and Emperor Philippa Georgiou were beamed aboard the Discovery from the ISS Charon. (DIS: "The War Without, The War Within")
In 2257, he beamed Commanders Saru and Burnham back from Kaminar after their meeting with Siranna. (DIS: "The Sound of Thunder")
Human transporter officer []

Transporter chief
This operations officer operated the transporter when Christopher Pike, Nhan and Evan Connolly beamed aboard the Discovery. (DIS: "Brother")
He also operated the transporter when Amanda Grayson arrived on Discovery. (DIS: "Point of Light")
He operated the transporter when Una Chin-Riley beamed aboard Discovery. (DIS: "An Obol for Charon")
He transported Leland and Phillipa Georgiou from their ship. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
This officer was played by background actor Andrew Shiff who received no credit for his appearances.
His headgear appears to be the 23rd-century equivalent of a VISOR.
Osnullus sciences officer []
This male Osnullus sciences officer with the rank of lieutenant jg, with a bluish-purple head protruding backwards, was in the mess hall as Saru watched the prison shuttle leave. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")
In 2257, he entered the mess hall after his duty shift, just after Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po had caused the food synthesizers to create a mess. (ST: "Runaway") Later that year, he was serving on the bridge. (DIS: "Brother", "Point of Light") He was present in the mess hall when Una Chin-Riley first visited the Discovery. (DIS: "An Obol for Charon")
After Airiam's death, he attended her funeral. (DIS: "The Red Angel")
During the Battle near Xahea, he had been injured while still aboard Discovery, and found his way to a biobed in sickbay. (DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2") After the ship went through a wormhole into the future and crashed on a planet, he was declared dead in the sickbay. (DIS: "Far From Home")
This officer is usually played by background actress Avaah Blackwell, who received no credit for her appearances. [1] In scenes with more than one Osnullus on screen, one of them is usually played by Kayso Wong. [2] [3](X) [4]
He was confirmed to be male in dialogue in "Far From Home".
Schlerm officer []

Schlerm officer at ops
This Schlerm officer served aboard the Discovery in 3190, at the operations station during a mission to Radvek V. (DIS: "The Examples")
Tellarite crewman []

A Tellarite
This Tellarite Starfleet officer attended Airiam's funeral in 2257. (DIS: "The Red Angel") Later, he walked past Saru and Michael Burnham. (DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows")
He stayed with the Discovery When the ship traveled to the 32nd century. In 3189, he was present on the screening of the film Sherlock Jr.. (DIS: "Forget Me Not")