Razor (tool)

Razor, 2150s

A razor used by Malcolm Reed

A razor was a device used to remove body hair, most often associated with shaving beards. (ENT: "Unexpected") Types of razors include the manual straight razor and the electric shaver.

Razors were among the prohibited weapons at Los Angeles Police Department Headquarters. (PIC: "Watcher")

Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was of the opinion that an officer at his best should always be well-groomed. When he and Commander Charles Tucker III were stranded in Enterprise NX-01's Shuttlepod 1 with no hope of being rescued in time, Reed still insisted on shaving his beard with a razor so that his body would look well-groomed when found. (ENT: "Shuttlepod One")

In 2153, Henry used a straight razor to shave Sheriff MacReady. (ENT: "North Star")

In early 2364, Lieutenant Commander Data gave Lieutenant Geordi La Forge a razor that he had adjusted to perfect efficiency. La Forge, however, preferred his regular razor, as he was of the opinion that shaving was a Human art form and that technological perfection could shave too close. (TNG: "Code of Honor")

Captain Benjamin Sisko used a razor similar to La Forge's to shave his bald head from time to time. (DS9: "The Sword of Kahless")

Lieutenant Commander Tuvok used a straight razor adorned with alien writings. In an alternate timeline of 2374, he was permanently blinded, making shaving a difficult task. After cutting himself on more than one occasion, Seven of Nine offered to help him, but he refused. (VOY: "Year of Hell")

In 2375, Counselor Deanna Troi shaved Commander William T. Riker's beard with a razor blade, while the two of them bathed in a bath tub on the USS Enterprise-E. He later joked to Lieutenant Commander Data that it made his face feel "as smooth as an android's bottom", though Data disagreed. (Star Trek: Insurrection)

A razor of the type used by Geordi La Forge and Benjamin Sisko

A razor of the type used by Geordi La Forge and Benjamin Sisko

Tuvok's razor blade

Tuvok's razor blade

Geordi La Forge shaving

Geordi La Forge shaving

Personal care
Anatomy and physiology: Facial hair (Beard / Mustache / Sideburns) • EyebrowHairNailClawTeethSalivaSkinSweat
Locations: BarbershopBathroomMassage facilityPortable toiletSauna (Cardassian sauna, steam room) • Spa (Golian Spa)
Occupations: BarberMake-up artistManicuristMasseur
Practices and treatments: Alture VII relaxation program (Protein bath) • Bathing (Bath tub) • Grooming ritualHaircutMassage (Lauriento massage holoprogram 101A; Hot stone massage) • Mani-pediPersonal hygieneSand scrubShavingShower (Sonic shower)
Products: AftershaveBath salts (Neptune Bath Salts) • Beauty suppliesBubble bathColgonite astringentCologneConditioning agentDeodorantEpidellic lotionHair dyeHair tonicHypicateKolaish spice oilLipstickMake-upNail polishPerfumeShampooSkin lotionSomata oilSunscreenTampaxToothpaste (Mars Toothpaste) • Xupta tree oil extract
Tools: Ablutionary fountainBathBathrobeChewstickCombHairbrushHair clipHairpinHair tieHot tubNail fileRadiosepticRazor (Gillette) • ScissorsSinkSteampoolToiletTongue scraperTooth sharpenerToothbrushToothpickTowelTweezersWaste disposal unit
Related medical conditions: Bad breathBaldnessBody odorMenstrual crampsSuntanWrinkles

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