

The Erstwhile was an interplanetary Class 9 cargo vessel owned and operated by Captain Thadiun Okona in the mid-24th century.

In 2365, the Erstwhile experienced a burnout in its guidance system while traversing between the twin planets of the Omega Sagitta system. When the ship was intercepted by the Federation starship, USS Enterprise-D, the Erstwhile was traveling at .02 c of impulse on a course of 232.2 mark 2. The crew of the Enterprise offered Okona assistance with his repairs. (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona")

In 2384, Okona took the Erstwhile to Denaxi Depot with a load of Ferengi thought makers, only to be arrested by the Xindi-Reptilian authorities for smuggling illegal contraband as soon as he landed. By that time, it had been retrofitted to be capable of speeds up to warp 4. Okona eventually escaped on the USS Protostar, leaving the Erstwhile parked at Denaxi Depot. (PRO: "Crossroads")

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