Federation mission scoutship
The Federation mission scoutship was a type of Federation scout ship in operation by Starfleet during the late 24th century.
Technical information[]
The scout was a single-pilot starship with a forward mounted cockpit separated from the rest of the vessel. It was slightly larger in size than the Type 11 shuttlecraft and carried dual-mounted phaser banks and photon torpedoes. The vessel was accessible through its docking hatch on the ventral hull. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
Ships commissioned[]
Background information[]
Because Michael Piller wanted the scene involving the scoutship to be similar to a World War I and II dogfight – in which both pilots were in open cockpits and could see each other – John Eaves created a vast windshield at the front of the scoutship.
The cockpit of this scout ship, listed as "Starfleet scout ship", was a redress of the Class 2 shuttle Cochrane built for Star Trek: Voyager. (Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 658)
For further information on the studio model, see Federation mission scoutship model.

Issue #80
According to Issue #80 of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, this class was approximately 24 meters in length, had a maximum speed of warp factor 5, and a crew complement of one pilot and could carry 5 to 10 passengers. Starfleet used this class for research missions where they could be used for gathering scientific data and give assistance to survey teams in planetary and cultural surveys.
Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Armada II give this vessel the classification of Venture-class, a starship with a sensors that can be modified to detect cloaked enemies. This vessel is listed in role playing games, such as those from Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, as a Talon-class ship. The 24-meter-long intermediate step between shuttle and runabout, carrying a crew of up to four, was armed with four type 5 phasers and three micro-torpedo launchers. It is this ship, with substantial changes, that was the baseline model for the Valkyrie-class fighters in the Activision PlayStation game Star Trek: Invasion.
External link[]
- Venture-class at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works