

D'Sora playing a flute

Playing a flute


A fife, a type of simple flute

The flute was a small wind instrument, typically made out of metal or wood.

Jenna D'Sora of the USS Enterprise-D played the flute. (TNG: "In Theory")

Captain Jean-Luc Picard played the Ressikan flute. (TNG: "The Inner Light", "Lessons")

When Miles O'Brien was having troubles with a Cardassian vole infestation on Deep Space 9, Doctor Julian Bashir gave him a small metal fife in a box and left a note, stating "It worked in Hamlin". (DS9: "Playing God")

O'Brien's fife was described in the script as a "flute a la pied piper". [1]

While stranded on Dilmer III in 2382, Lieutenant jg Beckett Mariner carved a flute from soap in an attempt to emulate Picard's experience on Kataan. However, the flute sounded terrible and she did not play it skillfully. (LD: "Fully Dilated")

Woodwind instruments

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