

For the USS Shenzhou's tactical officer, please see Kamran Gant.

For the Bajoran of the same name, please see Gantt.

Gant was a Ferengi merchant and a cousin of Nog's. Gant specialized in wines and spirits.

In 2375, Gant sold Nog sixteen cases of Klingon bloodwinevintage 2309, to replace the bloodwine that Nog had taken from General Martok. He also had ten cases of Saurian brandy available at the time which he also offered Nog. According to Nog, Gant was "just another sailor on the great river." (DS9: "Treachery, Faith and the Great River")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

The pronunciation guide was given in the script as "G" as in "Garak". Ant" as in the insect.

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