The Geronimo (NCC-7901), also identified as "shuttlecraft 12648", was a 23rd century Federation shuttlecraft that was in service in the 2250s. This type of shuttlecraft had a large aft section with dorsal mounted nacelles. This type of shuttle was protected by blast shields.
During the Klingon War, this shuttle was piloted by Polk, who used it to transport Nurse Christine Chapel to the Mobile Combat Surgical Unit on the moon of J'Gal. Due to the heavy fighting on the ground, Chapel was dropped to an onsite transporter pad, as landing the shuttlecraft itself on a landing pad was considered too risky. (SNW: "Under the Cloak of War")
Although identified over intercom as "shuttlecraft 12648", its name can be visually identified as Geronimo in 4K resolution.
This shuttle was presumably named after Geronimo.