

God-like or divine referred to anyone or anything that displayed characteristics or abilities that were seemingly comparable to those of God or other god-like being, which included omnipotence, immortality, super-intelligence, or abilities otherwise viewed as being superpowers or supernatural in nature.

After Gary Mitchell was struck by "strange energies" in 2265, he began displaying characteristics that he didn't quite understand, but knew comparatively that if "I keep growing, getting stronger, why, the things I could do, like, like maybe a god could do." (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

According to Luisa Kim, "terraforming makes you feel a little god-like." (TNG: "Home Soil") Such an allusion was previously made by Doctor McCoy, Captain Spock, and Vice Admiral James T. Kirk, in 2285, to describe the Genesis Device, a process otherwise described as being "literally [..] Genesis": "the power of creation." Aghast while considering the moral implications of mankind possessed such technology, McCoy wondered aloud, "dear Lord, do you think we're intelligent enough to…" before he considered how easily the creation process could just as well destroy life set opening the door to "universal Armageddon", as noting that "according to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis, we'll do it for you in six minutes" (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

During the USS Enterprise-D's orbital encounter with the Edo God while visiting the Edo on Rubicun III, in 2364, which concluded with an incident of Captain Jean-Luc Picard breaking the Federation's non-interference directive, he signaled the object and inquired whether the beings would prefer to have the nearby Strnad colonists removed. In response, the structure replied with merely a full illumination before vanishing. Disappointed, Picard admitted that he was "hoping for more", Commander William T. Riker agreed, describing the response as "Short and sweet. God-like efficiency." (TNG: "Justice")

During the wake held for Starfleet Captain Lisa Cusak aboard Deep Space 9 in 2374, Julian Bashir gave a speech about his interaction with her, where he confessed to his comrades, "[c]ontrary to public opinion, I am not the arrogant, self absorbed, god-like doctor that I appear to be on occasion." [...] "I have a heart, and I really care about all of you, even if sometimes it would appear that I care more about my work," while referring how Cusak taught him the importance of such things. Bashir's self-reference to "god-like" was underlined by Cusak's reference to him as her "superhuman friend", and how after finishing his work early, was no doubt thanks to his supposed ability to do "the work of ten other doctors at the same time", thanks to his "amazing, genetically-engineered brain". (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

In 2381, the USS Cerritos conducted a second contact mission to Apergos to have the Apergosian High Leader choose a subspace communication number. Captain Carol Freeman also authorized a side mission by Ensign Beckett Mariner to power-wash a few buildings in the capital city to show the Apergosians the value of cleaning their public spaces. In doing so, Mariner accidentally activated a structure made by the Ancient Ones that harnessed strange energy. which granted Commander Jack Ransom god-like powers. Ransom proceeded to wreak havoc until he was subdued. (LD: "Strange Energies")

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